What's Your PPV Traffic Setup


New member
Jun 4, 2009
How do you all have your servers set up for PPV and other high traffic campaigns? Do you host your Prosper, sites and images all on the same server? Or are you keeping them separate and putting images on Amazon S3.

I just throw it all on the same server, but am sure there are better things I could be doing to keep performance high other than buying more RAM.

I moved from a VPS to a dedi and waiting for it to be setup. Should this do the trick?

Processor: Intel Q6600 QUAD CORE
Hd1: 250GB 7200RPM SATA / 8MB Cache
Hd2: 120GB 7200RPM SATA / 8MB Cache
OS: Linux - CentOS 5 (+32 Bit)
I moved from a VPS to a dedi and waiting for it to be setup. Should this do the trick?

Processor: Intel Q6600 QUAD CORE
Hd1: 250GB 7200RPM SATA / 8MB Cache
Hd2: 120GB 7200RPM SATA / 8MB Cache
OS: Linux - CentOS 5 (+32 Bit)

Depends on the size of your page (pics/videos ect.) and amount of traffic. I think the cheapest way I found was to use rackspace cloud type service for the actual site and put the pictures/video off of on dedicated boxes elsewhere. All of the cloud services charge a shit ton for bandwidth so if you can move that off to cheap dedicated servers elsewhere you can save yourself a few thousand dollars a month.

The video hosting servers don't need to be anything special, just need decent bandwidth and lots of it. Probably want to be careful with "unlimited bandwidth" servers they always seem to be over sold and slow.

The other thing to consider is the type of page you are using. Wordpress on high volume sites can overload mysql especially on a dedicated server (as opposed to a cloud server), which will cause pages to hang and hung pages will stack up fast and cause your server to crash (set apache keepalive low for PPV traffic cause visitors will sit around on your site longer than PPC traffic). Also keep in mind it may take 20 or 30 mins for the PPV company to completely stop sending traffic if your server crashes. Traffic you will pay for but can't possibly convert because they never see your page.
Or are you keeping them separate and putting images on Amazon S3.

Only issue that you gotta be aware of with S3 is that you pay for the amount of bandwidth that you use. If someone jacks your lp and hotlinks your images or media (especially mp3 files on PPV pages), you could end up with a costly bandwidth bill if you don't monitor your S3 usage logs regularly. I'm not sure if Amazon provides a way to restrict hosts that can access files or even provide detailed referer logs for you to see whose hitting your page (I've looked around a bit, but came up empty handed). I ended up with a few hundred bucks in extra charges from S3 cause someone hotlinked a media file of mine on an old campaign that I forgot about, so its just something to be aware of.
illeat, you can usually do some .htaccess mods to prevent access to files on your server. At least this works on regular hosting not sure if it works on clouds.

And to the original question that PC seems ok. You might need to up the ram as you get more usage but that will depend on your script resource consumption. The rackspace cloud is nice and it's actually quite in-expensive (surprisingly). The images are a problem though as suggested. I would put any video you can on YouTube and embed. Then image link from a content server somewhere.
I found that VPS did a good enough job most of the time, however I upgraded to a Cloud setup with RackSpace as I started to do multiple PPV sources. Its been holding up so well I actually started to put my social traffic and p360/adsonar stuff as well and have had no issues.

I only use it to host simple LPs/images mainly, my p202 and other special scripting run on the VPS still, which holds up fine.
Cool. Thanks for all the tips. My VPS hasn't been holding up much with PPV on the high traffic sites. Never crashed, but everything would reach 100% and basically not load. I wasn't sure if it was all the writing to the Prosper202 database that was eating up all the resources, the landing page images, or both.

I've never used Amazon S3, but I'm surprised they don't have a way to protect your files from hijacking. I'll have to take a look at Rackspace Cloud option as well.