What's your guesstament?

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Waste of e-space
Aug 1, 2006
Something I've been pondering goes like this...

Say a companies site is well ranked in yahoo & MSN for their niche but don't rank worth shit in google due to google catching onto some "dirty" tricks and knocked their 1.5 million+ inlinks down to a few hundred and setting it so they can't rank past a certain # in search results for anything.

Now lets say 80%+ of their revenue is generated from their website that is a nice round number of $10 million a year. So about $8 million would come from the internet.

So what would be your guesstament on how much more they could be making if they ranked well in google also?

I don't have any real world examples...just think of some weird stuff while I'm coding. :p

Well, as of April 2007, Google holds roughly 49.7 % of the total search traffic... The rest is spread amongst Yahoo!, Live, Ask and 3rd parties.

So, let's round 49.7% up to 50%. So, they would hypothetically be missing out on an additional $8 Million in revenue by not being indexed or whatever in Google.
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