What's Your Favorite Web-Macros Program?


New member
Apr 12, 2010
I'm an old fan of iMacros - their free version of iMacros for firefox does me well.

Just wondering if there are any open sourced/up and coming/competitors to iMacros that I should be looking into?

What is your favorite browser scripting software?

And here are some boobs:


I just use perl and php, alot of people use browser scripting software, but there are perl modules that make it easier to code than it is to play with browser scripting stuff.. for instance, WWW::Mechanize
Interesting! I will definitely look into learning perl now.

The main reason I enjoy iMacros is because it fully loads the page as the site intended it to be seen. With so many ajax/js oriented sites out there, this is a huge plus for me.

Any other good browser scripting software out there that can load/execute javascript?
really helpful guys, I am trying to learn to make few automated thing. I just checked Watir, and it seems 'easy to grasp' . I did take some programming class ins school. I think I will start learing Ruby now...

Thanks for sharing!
If you'd seen the shit me and dchuk been working on rage9, you'd spit on curl. But hey, why move forward when you can tread water.