What's your daily schedule like?

I don't have a daily schedule. I sleep for as long as I can once I pass out. I eat when I'm hungry. I meet people when I need to.

10:00 am - Stumble out of bed and head to kitchen for coffee (auto drip)

10:15 am - Scratch my sack and head to the jon to take a dump

10:45 am - Head to the desk and play some Dirt Nasty(see video below)
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKITr8OHRcg"]YouTube - Dirt Nasty's Dropping Names[/ame]

10:49 am - Play some more Dirt Nasty
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTm10txFWyY"]YouTube - dirt nasty 1980[/ame]

10:50 - 11:50 - Email, Stats, Twitter, and masturbate

12:00 - Grab some grub from the fridge and eat at desk

1:00 - ???? Make calls and work on campaigns

???? - Pass Out....

Wake up

Sitting on the shitter - Thinking about how to make my bank account bigger




Meet and bullshit with clients













Wake up

Sitting on the shitter - Thinking about how to make my bank account bigger




Meet and bullshit with clients












You only smoke once a day, in the morning, while taking a poop? I don't care if it's weed or cigs or meth, that's straight up unusual.
I don't have a daily schedule. I sleep for as long as I can once I pass out. I eat when I'm hungry. I meet people when I need to.

Here is my schedule.

Wake up (varies). Check stats. Check email. Brush teeth. Make tea. Get something to eat. Check stats.

Log into messenger. Check stats. Read some forums. Check stats. Chat on messenger, while checking stats.

Then I fire up notepad and make some notes of things to do, important items like checking stats.

Later, I shower and shave, do laundry and prep dinner. During this time I will watch King of Queens reruns on Justin.tv.

While I eat, I will check stats, and then visit some forums again. Of course by this point, I am getting tired, I haven't actually done anything, but keep a really good eye on my stats.

Later I will make tea, check stats, do dishes, check stats and go for a walk.

Eventually I come home, check some forums, log off messenger, check some stats and go back to sleep.

I swear one of these days I will hire someone to make landing pages and link build for me, because otherwise, I will have to cut back on checking stats.
My technological fantasy:

A pair of sunglasses I can wear throughout the day, like those cool movie glasses people watch on planes, etc.

All stats are fed every 15 mins through wireless right into the screen, so I can go about my day and have all my networks neatly lined up, revenues displayed, etc.

I can turn a tiny knob on the glasses so I can scroll up/down all the reports, etc.

Someone make me a pair of these. I'll pay handsomely.
wake up

shit pants


repeat as necessary


actually monday I start back to class, and then get the pleasure of teaching undergrads Astronomy once or twice a week
7 alarm goes off
8 get out of bed go to work
8:30-5 eat watch youtube make monies (rarely) smoke smoke smoke eat gym
6 make french fries
7 masterbate
7:01 smoke
-1 work
hmm, wake up, eat, work... eat, bike ride/gym, eat, work, eat, drink/work, sleep

ok, enough with the interrogation, lanwar. how many threads have you started with questions like this?
I can't stick to a schedule. As long as I'm making money I'm good. Sometimes I stay up for 30+ hours straight and sometimes I'll sleep for 16 hours straight. As long as I keep a lookout on where my money is going and coming from, it's all good.
Wake up at 7 or 8, eat while I check my email. Check my email while I work. Work while I am checking my email.

Eat lunch, go to the gym, check my email on my bb at the gym. Get a Dr. Pepper and go back to my desk till I find a break to shower ,then back at the desk till dinner.

Check my email after dinner. Watch Adult Swim and then fall asleep.

It's pretty much an email checking bender till I pass out. I need those glasses that Roundabout was talking about for my email. Then I could live a normal life.
So..., none of you actually build and launch campaigns???

I see alot of email and stats checking but that's about it...

Eyeglass-Mounted Display Tracks Eye Movements To Manipulate Data - Eyeglass-mounted displays - Gizmodo

now you just need to get the data to the glasses - half done!

My technological fantasy:

A pair of sunglasses I can wear throughout the day, like those cool movie glasses people watch on planes, etc.

All stats are fed every 15 mins through wireless right into the screen, so I can go about my day and have all my networks neatly lined up, revenues displayed, etc.

I can turn a tiny knob on the glasses so I can scroll up/down all the reports, etc.

Someone make me a pair of these. I'll pay handsomely.
Nice find Markus, halfway there.

Check out this user comment on the page:

"Get an involuntary eye tick and end up wiping your hard drive clean" - lol
Wake up at 7 AM usually.
Hit the Gym.
Work Hustle Grind.
Then when the sun comes down, get lazy or go out at night.