Whats Wrong?

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I don't think it's clear that the links in the body of the article lead to a place where you can actually buy the product. I'd be a little more aggressive about offering the product, actually adding a text link and/or banner at the end of the content saying "Buy my stuff here".

Also, if you're getting decent CTR on your Adsense, that's going to affect your conversions with the affiliate offer.
I took AdSense down for several days to see if there was any difference, but had no luck, so i put them back up. Anyway, I'm going to try the advice that Randy suggested. Thanks
Split test your titles to start.

Rather than "HGH Gen20 Review" try something more compelling like "Can HGH Really Boost Your Sex Drive?" Then start out your first paragraph talking about what ever title you go with. It's always hard to say what will work best, so test fifty didnt versions if you have to.

Also, think about what the consumer will think if you say this is a "review" but your copy says things like:

Do you long for your younger days? Boundless energy, tight skin, great body? Life was just wonderful, isn’t it?
Now, you can enjoy your youth again with this highly effective, anti-aging supplements.
Truely write it as a review and keep it as personal as possible. Maybe add a personal case study? Basically anything that will make the consumer believe it's an honest review... once you can do that, you can stear them into a buy.
ill buy your product if it can give me a few more inches of height cause i need to slam dunk the basketball for next year's basketball team

of course, no adverse effects on sexmaker plz.
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