What's worse than Ubercamp?

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sheeeet, I should start a porno camp...

hire a couple of hookers, grab some cameras, sex toys, anal lube, etc... and even tho it would be fucking people, at least somebody would get laid out of the whole deal...
My guess was "concentration camp"... but maybe image hosting camp IS worse!

I love his screen shot of "proof". (I know! I'll take a screenshot of just random transactions and post it up as PROOF! It worked on DP!)
lol @ this comment below the offer

"I have bought one package! So far i am glad with the purchase looks promising, seller is very good at communication and explaining very good.... hoping to earn good money :)"
Damn, unfortunately I can't say I don't belong to DP, or like 14 other forums, but THIS THREAD made me HOWL! And Jons sig quote just wrapped it up for me... thx! DP just got :spawn:
Personally I can't wait until the day that all this shit happens, and some WF member goes "you know what, fuck it - look - 5K in one day, WHAT NOW DP BITCHES?!??!?!?" or something along those lines.

Personally, I will give a standing ovation. Otherwise, my "400,000,000/day" ebook will be coming soon, with proof of payment via paypal of course!
Welcome to camp douchebag, I am your camp leader and known around the world as the master of douchebaggery. I will you show how to make $45,000/day from a very simple but wickedly awesome idea.

You will make millions the first year from posting pictures of douchebags to the interwebz.


The monies you will make will give your mother a heartattack. Proof that my system works:


You get all this for only $19.95/month.
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