What's the coolest thing you've ever coded?


New member
Apr 29, 2010
In regards to making money, epic traffic, tons of installs, rustling jimmies, etc...

Sophisticated chat bots? tinder spamming? Software that does all that?

Looking forward to some good stories. Secretly hoping for certain members to come forward. I know some of you have great stories from your days in adult.

Let the fun begin!

Well, I was really proud of this pretty cool bot that scraped & watermarked images, then uploaded them to a certain image board, had byte adder to pass the site's dupe image check, could post up to 10k times a day and got me, idk, that was 2-3 years ago, but I think it was probably 40k visitors/day. But it got harder and harder to obtain proxies that weren't banned there, so when the bot got outdated I didn't bother fixing it.
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Well, I was really proud of this pretty cool bot that scraped & watermarked images, then uploaded them to a certain image board, had byte adder to pass the site's dupe image check, could post up to 10k times a day and got me, idk, that was 2-3 years ago, but I think it was probably 40k visitors/day. But it got harder and harder to obtain proxies that weren't banned there, so when the bot got outdated I didn't bother fixing it.
God wtf have I been doing with my life.
Well, I was really proud of this pretty cool bot that scraped & watermarked images, then uploaded them to a certain image board, had byte adder to pass the site's dupe image check, could post up to 10k times a day and got me, idk, that was 2-3 years ago, but I think it was probably 40k visitors/day. But it got harder and harder to obtain proxies that weren't banned there, so when the bot got outdated I didn't bother fixing it.

Damn dude, I envy your mad skillz. What language/software did you use?

So far out of the programming loop it's embarrassing. :(
God wtf have I been doing with my life.

Ikr, too bad spam traffic converts like shit, I had 1:20k on CC submits and maybe 1:500 on emails, + threats from CPA companies that they'll ban me for spam traffic.

Damn dude, I envy your mad skillz. What language/software did you use?

So far out of the programming loop it's embarrassing. :(

The first version was iMacros wrapped in some javascript, took me 6 hours to write without any previous knowledge of either of those. Later when the site added captcha I upgraded to C#.
Well, I was really proud of this pretty cool bot that scraped & watermarked images, then uploaded them to a certain image board, had byte adder to pass the site's dupe image check, could post up to 10k times a day and got me, idk, that was 2-3 years ago, but I think it was probably 40k visitors/day. But it got harder and harder to obtain proxies that weren't banned there, so when the bot got outdated I didn't bother fixing it.

^^ Nice! I'm pleasantly surprised that people are willing to talk about some of this. I do have a small story that almost launched my career into the Artificial Intelligence realm.

It was the summer of 2009 and I was just fresh out of high school eager to show the world what I was made of. One day while browsing a forum I started noticing patterns of how people were interacting with one another. The debates revolved around the same social messages, but I noticed that some individuals were intentionally poking others to "rustle" their "jimmies" - the old folks called it. The individuals were called "trolls".

So I thought, what if I could create a bot that would intentionally say stupid things so individuals would rage and attack it, therefore gain it notoriety. I got with a fellow programmer that went by the handle "BotMaster" that was coming out with some new software that would allow users to login to forums and post quality content. He wasn't into A.I. like I was so he was only interested in the technical aspects of forum posting, so he helped me implement the backend that would allow my bots to come and go as they pleased.

From early on I wanted the bot to be controversial, so it would scan user's previous posts and comprehend what side of an issue they'll most likely associate with. Knowing I was almost out of my depth I contacted Bofu about creating a sentiment algorithm that would help gauge what political topics could get the crowd stirring.

After long grueling nights of coding 3 months later I was ready - it was ready. I set it up on a live server and let it start learning using the sentiment algo to gauge reactions. I left it alone for about a month and logged back in, and saw it had developed a persona that was guru in nature, but lacked overall comprehension of basic logic - it was perfect.

I then enabled the Botmaster custom forum posting module, and left it alone for another month. I then logged back in to the server and noticed something was off - the CPUs had increased to 200% for over 2 weeks straight, the hosting company was sending emails to an email address I never registered. Then all of a sudden nothing.

I decided to look into the logs and what I saw was astonishing. The bots, yes bots, they multiplied, had scan and downloaded major chunks of the internet with the sole original goal of gaining trolling knowledge. It seemed the original programming was a bit lackluster, so the bot spawn it's own better version that would create the "final" troll. The final troll was "created" and had more capabilities then I could imagine. The mystery was the CPU usage was at 0% for the final week, and the hard drive was wiped.

I was able to get the hosting company to give me the physical harddrive after some social engineering and for 4 days I scanned and re-scanned the deleted files, I realized what had happened - the 3rd generation troll A.I. bot had gain control of the server and replicated itself to several locations then essentially killed it's mother and grandmother in the process. All my code was gone, and being arrogant, young, and naive, I hadn't backed up anything.

All that was left was a 16 byte textfile named CF.txt. I was too petrified to open it.

During that winter I had several serious anxiety attacks cause I realized what I had done. I created a monster that was hiding from me, but yet in plain site.

Then news started to come in from around the world, the global troll population had seemingly overnight exploded... That's when the anxiety turned into a depression. Was this my A.I. child bot that was roaming the internet, trolling innocent netizens? After 6 months of the trolling reports I finally mustered up the courage to open that textfile and see what my great-grandchild had written to me. My fingers trembled as I click the mouse button. The textfile popped up and stated simply "Chicken Fucker". And then like out of a Mission Impossible movie, the textfile closed, and deleted itself. Till this day I don't know whether the bot was calling me a "Chicken F*****" or there was some additional coded message.

I decided to stay out of the A.I. niche completely and swore to never tell anyone my story. I can't imagine the internet trolls can all be chicken F*****s running around, but sometimes when I see certain threads... I wonder... Is that you... my child? Are you the pewep that we need?​
when i was 15 i made $6k in like 3 months exploiting some traffic network.
I once created this blackhat app that would connect to any IM service using libpurple, and could log into hundreds of accounts at a time through proxies and send spams, phishing, etc. It was actually programmable and you would write callbacks right there in the gui to query a database for new accounts. You could fetch webpages and solve captchas as well through the scripting. I used it to spam all those adult yahoo chats for a while, but mainly used it to phish aol accounts and send out reverse sms billing spams back in the day. It was such a nice interface, if your campaign was getting blocked you would just script up different messages and program it to use another url shortener site in the gui while it was running.
^^ Nice! I'm pleasantly surprised that people are willing to talk about some of this. I do have a small story that almost launched my career into the Artificial Intelligence realm.

It was the summer of 2009 and I was just fresh out of high school eager to show the world what I was made of...​

I feel this image serves as an accurate visual representation of CCarter's cognitive makeup:

If coding was running and we all had a race, I would be a very fat kid running the wrong way.
I created this script that emails people who posted a craigslist ad looking for SEO help.

The first email was "hey, I seen your ad $URL. Are you still looking for help?" and filtered the responses to see whose really interested.
i created another script that could generate and distribute unique content to +100,000 websites(through xml-rpc), interlinking them, at random times-dates intervals, at random topics, at specified topics and keywords. it was also manipulating kwd density. highly simple control panel.

but i never got a chance to fully use it.
oh another piece of code i wrote was serving 1 million views daily on a $100 server.

I cant talk about the shit I coded.

but I can tell you, IT represented some big brands at the time.

haha, talk about it without identifying details?