What's the best way to control ads for the entire site?


Aug 10, 2009
Basically I want to be able to change CPA ads on the fly across the entire website without having to go through 2000 pages and doing it manually. What would be the best way to approach this?

The way I'm thinking of right now is to:

a) create sample placer images on each page. ex: 468x60, call each one ad1, ad2, ad3
b) link those to a php redirect page, so ad1, would be linked to site.com/advertising1/
c) use an iframe on every page, that basically loads a bunch of 1px impression tracking images

So to change an ad, I would end up doing this:
1. Go to files folder, and upload a new ad1.jpg image for the new campaign.
2. Go to the ad1 php redirect page, and change the redirect url
3. Go to the iframe page, and change the 1px tracking image source.

Is there a better way to do this? I'm pretty noobish with php(only using it to do the redirect), so I have to rely on pretty much hardcoding everything with html