What's required to build something like Facebook


New member
Apr 17, 2008
Hi, found this interesting link about facebook and how the fuck you scale a rich php app to surpass google in pageviwes. Not really usable to anyone here I guess but kind of an interesting read to me anyway since I wonder sometimes what voodoo is used for that kinda stuff. Just wanted to share and shoot some developer shit :)

HipHop for PHP: Move Fast - Facebook Developers

If you are into scalability, you need to take it step by step. My first step was HTTP accelerator (Varnish) which basically saves HTML output in memory (or files) and serves it directly from there.
The next was using xCache that saves php code to memory so the server doesn't need to read and execute from disk. If you have more servers, you might consider HAProxy (HAProxy - The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer).