whats going on with searchfeed?

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New member
Oct 24, 2006
So I was running some ads for my arbi sites on searchfeed a week or 2 ago and was getting about a 15% CTR on my own ads.

I stopped for a week because I was busy doing some other stuff.

I started running ads again and I'm still getting the clicks however I have less than a 1% CTR now. I have not changed my keywords, nor my design. Nothing is different.

What could be the cause of this? Click fraud?

Searchfeed's traffic is generally awful. There are some niches that seem to do well on Searchfeed but most of mine have just bombed there.
Well the traffic I'm receiving is still about normal, but this traffic just sucks compared to the last week or so. No one is clicking any more.
I tried SF for one niche only and 90% of their traffic came from porn sites and my niche was anything but. Needless to say there where no click throughs. I can guarantee click fraud for mine at least.
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