Whats a good theme for work from home landing page?

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New member
May 3, 2008
Ive tried, the sob story of how i came up and made a bunch of money and listed reviews of the products down below story. Ive even tried the, "dont get scammed" approach with a little story and two reviewed products.

Ive been listed top 3 for keywords like work from home and even been sponsored by google for that keyword with a great quailty score 0.05 min bid yet for some damn reason it wouldnt convert, Its either that keyword (which i don't think it is since there are so many people competeing for it) but i literally spent 700$ and made 1 conversion off that keyword. Now the price per click was really high but i was more a less testing out the landing page and the products and hoping i could come close to breaking even and then let it run for a few weeks till i could start seeing profits by lowering bids. Ive tried switching the products, tweaking the message and even redesigned the whole landing page with a new look and wrote up a whole new sob story.

My click through rate doubled and was looking pretty good but i couldnt get a damn convert to save my life.

Can anyone shed some light on this? I know i was just testing one keyword but its pretty much the best keyword in terms of volume and targeting yet i can only get one convert out of it. I wouldn't say my landing page is amazing but its not bad either, I ve seen worse make at least part of there money back.

I would like to show my landing page but even as simple as it is, I dont need any lowbees ripping it, even though right now i wouldnt mind since it seems they might lose money with it. Im just looking for someone with experience in the niche, What do you find better? the dont get scammed landing pages, the sob story pages, something else?

well thats exactly why i dint promote the "dont get scammed websites" I thought just mentioning the word scam would automatically make them more cautious. I dont get the idea behind those kinds of landing pages at all. I guess if you could build a bridge of trust between your page and the consumer then they would be more likely to buy but personally thats putting up walls for you, you gotta have nearly perfect wording to make them buy into your landing page and then you gotta pitch the product to them. Sounds like your just going down a longer road just to get that lead when theres a dirt road that gets you there faster.
now i might not be great at affiliate marketing but im extremely successful with girls.

That's why my friend thought I'd be good at affiliate marketing. Nobody likes to hear a depressing story, even if you think they can relate to the story.

I surf and my heel got slammed into coral reef 3 days ago, and I went to the club last night. I'd walk up to a girl and sit next to her, and tell her I stepped on coral reef surfing the other day I just need to sit down. You would think a girl would think "ooo surfer guy" I tried using that as an opener 3 more times, failed everytime.

So I went with one that has always worked for me. Simple as "hey I saw you when I came in to the club tonight and I wanted to see what you were all about"

I'm not sure how to apply this what youre doing, but maybe tell a success story.

something like "I was sitting at my computer thinking about that new porsche I saw passing the dealership on the way home from work. I could never afford it. I searched the net for ways to make money, I was extremely skeptical, there is no such thing as get quick rich, everything takes hard work, well that's what the wise tell us, when the real secret is to work smarter. Here are the steps I followed to get behind the wheel of that new porsche I saw at the dealership just 4 months later"
Well thats what i ment, sob story meaning basically "i was a broke ass now im filthy rich and you can be rich to!"
well im not filthy rich so im guessing you mean the website. Well personally I dont advertise my site as giving away any secrets i just preset the products i "used" to get where i was. Most people dont actually think about stuff like "why is this guy telling me how hes making money" they just see big numbers and someone tell them it works and most of the time they jump at the chance.
some options could be that it's either a horrible offer, or your offer isn't relevant to where you are promoting it. It could also be the network. Have you tried having someone else make you a landing page and see how it does? Since you are already $700 into it I wouldn't think an extra $50 would make much of a difference (no offense). It might be worth a shot.
i would go with showing relaxed people working and lounging around their house.
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