What you all up to?

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It's midnight here, I'm sitting in my office with just my desk-lamp, my computer, and a quarter-full bottle of johny walker for company.

I got my headphones on with Hammerfall blasting away, playin' with what I plan is going to be my biggest affiliate promotion/project yet. Hopefully this time around I'll stand to make some coin.

Here's to the road towards success guys *raises glass* whatever that may be for you.

Live with passion!

I don't always read threads, but when I do, I prefer they be started by LeFluffy. Stay thirsty, my friends.
word.... doing the same here...only that my ritual was started by throwing my wife off the balcony....now it s quite around here
i wish i was cool enough to drink hard liquor at midnight by myself... my mum would kill me
i wish i was cool enough to drink hard liquor at midnight by myself... my mum would kill me

one day you can be like me.

Just fired up a local brew and I'm planning my next campaign. Of course I'm a noob so take that with a grain of salt.
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