What would you do with this money


New member
Apr 3, 2009
IF you had a weekend to spend $34,875.00, what would you spend it on?

I would rent a yacht, load it with my pals, booz, food, ladiez, secret berriez and hit the high sea's for a few days.

yo dawg, I heard you like to blow money, so I started a thread on how to blow money so you could watch us blow money while you blow money.


I'd convert it to pennies and then melt them all, with the melted raw materials I would pour them in a giant dildo shaped mold. Then I would have a pilot on standby to drop it on the next person that posts a thread with a boob icon with no FUCKING boobs in them.
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I'd get back to my roots...


Rent one of these...


Hit up the autobahn...


I'd probably still have a lot of money left... :rasta:
I would invest in making a search engine named "Search 'n' Rescue!" And then maybe get money like google.
I'd start a network and get another $34,875 from someone willing to drop $23,000 in PPC costs on my new, unproven, unfunded network and then not pay them. Now I'm up to $69,750. I'd also setup an autoresponder w/ "The check is in the mail" for all incoming email. That would buy me a few more weekends of debauchery.