what would you do with: canadiangirls.ca

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New member
Jun 30, 2006
I picked up this expired domain but haven't decided what to do with it. It's getting about a 30% click rate averaging around 100 uniques a month making me a few dollars a month which has me wondering if I should do anything with it.


Or adult dating ;)

But seriously:

1. You could make it into a portal for finding canadian girls at different dating sites, 2. you could let people submit their thoughts about canadian girls ("Canadian girls are:" [user input]) and make it into a "Web 2.0", user generated content site, 3. you could start a site/blog about successful canadian girls/young women, 4. you could mix all the above mentioned ideas into one site and add tons of others etc.

Or you could make the obvious "Naked Canadian Chicks" site.

Speaking of which, I remember when the term "Flames Girls" was hot on the net a year or two ago, as tons of people were searching for all the babes that flash their boobs when Calgary Flames win or something like that...
Maybe you can try monetizing it with adultfriendfinder.
I`m pretty sure they must have a way of only showing canadian girls.If not, ask your reps and they`ll probably work something out for you.
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FSck! Someone explain this to an old fart?
And here I was, thinking I was doing fine with leet -speak.

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