What would you ask? (How to avoid looking like a dumbass)

1825 Tulane

New member
Jun 29, 2010
So I'm going to the A4D meetup Saturday and, as advertised of course, one of the largest media buying pubs will be giving a presentation. Since this is an area i'm interested in (and since dickarmy has apparently disappeared from WF), what would be a few good questions to ask without looking like a total dumbass?

Oh...some boobs






Well the only reason that I'm going is to meet .HacK and learn how to acquire tits. So questions like "where you find boob?" or "do boobs find you?" would be appropiate.

Anyways since you posted boobs I will give serious answer. Have you actually done a media buy? If no, go drop a few grand and do one. Who cares if it loses money, do it for a throw away amount, altho you should try to break even. What problems do you come across? Write them down.

When you start talking from actual experience it lets other affs know you're not a mental masterbater, ie you take up their time talking about hypothetical shit and you actually execute on what they tell you. Not only that, you actually have a working example to reference when asking questions.