What was your very first program

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
What was your very first program/programming language and when did you start?

Mine was about 7 years ago, hello world program, c++. Good times, good times.

I can't remember the name of it. It was you telling i think this turtle thing where to move and turn? after that was in this order: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, Java, ASP, T-SQL, VBScript, PHP.....

the turtle program was in like 1988ish? oi
You are looking for LOGO.

For me? Basic

10 PRINT "Hello"
20 GOTO 10

I was so hardcore, back then...

joe said:
Visual Basic, a little calculator app.

same exact thing here.
it wasn't very useful but I liked it and it made me proud

I did some web development before that but I dont suppose it counts as a program.
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