What Was That Wagenheim Video?


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Do you remember this video posted in the Wagenheim photoshop thread?

It was a pic of Wags and the video showed a woman giving a conference. She was speaking a foreign language and the video had subtitles.

She went on to say how this person has saved our race, is a hero and then pulls the pic out of a bag - it was Wags. Then shows the same pic blown up in Times Square and superimposed in all sorts of interesting places.

What's the site where you can do this? I had it saved someplace but can't find it now.

It's a site where you literally upload a pic then it automatically inserts it into the video for you??

Do you remember what it was?

Yeah that's the one - thanks man. I'm trying to get a version of that made up for a wedding in May.

If you have any friends getting married etc, give it a whirl, I think it's really cool!