What type of affiliate marketing should I shoot towards?

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New member
May 9, 2007
I run a forum about speedsolving any type of puzzle, and it gets around 810 uniques a day avg from all over the world (only about half of visits are from the US). I want to try something other than Adsense, so what type of affiliate marketing should I try? I've tried affiliating with the puzzle makers, but their payouts are very small, and most people on the forum already own the puzzles, I need to find something else. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

I'm not joking when I say I've seen an affiliate ad for dexamphetamines... Considering the sorts of people that like to solve puzzles are often on those sorts of meds, maybe something like that?

yeah this sounds crazy but HarveyJ just gave you a perfect example about thinking outside the box....

a couple more would be:

memory improvement course

speed reading course

ebay aff program

toys r us aff program <<advertising offers on discounted games

and thats just a few of the top of my head theres heaps more

Learn about your audience. What type of people are they? what do they do when they're not solving puzzles? What do they think about when they wake up in the morning? The more you know about them the more you can sell to them.
These all sound great:

memory improvement course

speed reading course

ebay aff program

toys r us aff program <<advertising offers on discounted games

Which affiliate company will have these available? Azoogle? Thanks again.
Tickle IQ test may be an offer worth testing out. Good Bounty. You should be able to find it on other networks, but if you are having trouble, PM me.
Take the whole brain fitness thing.

- Games
- books
- etc..

What if you tried some zip/email submit stuff.

You could offer a free gift if they can answer your riddle. So make a banner ad with a riddle and then say "Answer for a free ipod" or something like that...

Then on the landing page have the question again with 4 answers and a radio box. When they answer right take them to the zip submit page....
These all sound great:

memory improvement course

speed reading course

ebay aff program

toys r us aff program <<advertising offers on discounted games

Which affiliate company will have these available? Azoogle? Thanks again.

well clickwank has memory improvement ebooks and shit like that

ebay has its own aff program just got to ebay and sign up

and i think toys r us is through commission junction

i dont do cpa offers but so i dunno bout their programs.
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Go to other puzzle sites (doesn't have to be just forums) and see what they are advertising. You don't have to swipe their exact ads but you may get some good ideas.
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