What tools do you use for ShareASale/CJ stores?


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I want to build a store using ShareASale and CJ. I found quite a few tools such as DataFeedFile, GoldenCAN, PopShop, ImportCSV, JoomlaShopBuilder, etc. Are any of these good? What do you guys use?

Here are some rude tits for your troubles:

/read the Rules of Engagement #11. "No nudity outside of StS"./
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I've found Datafeedr to be a good plugin for creating WP sites and stores from aggregated product feeds, if you want to spend a monthly fee for it. If you know your stuff, you can build your own plugin to work with wordpress. Even if you don't know your stuff, you can download your merchant feeds into csv files, put them on your server, upload them into yahoo pipes, filter by niche keyword, create a new feed from that and feed it into a wp-o-matic or other feed plugin for wordpress to create content for a store.
WFReview 3.0 will be coming out October 1, 2009, and will have a SHITLOAD of features that help you automate these kinds of stores. Follow @nickmattern on twitter for updates.
WFReview 3.0 will be coming out October 1, 2009, and will have a SHITLOAD of features that help you automate these kinds of stores. Follow @nickmattern on twitter for updates.

I've been checking out the WFReview plugin (and the auction2post plugin) here and it looks awesome. You can do a lot more with it than some of the other feed plugins I've been working with.

Dude, there are actually a few AMs that work for real companies on this board. You're killing me w/ the tits. Are you trying to get me fired?!?
Dude, there are actually a few AMs that work for real companies on this board. You're killing me w/ the tits. Are you trying to get me fired?!?

What kind of AM boss would not already know that Wickedfire is full of TITS

I totally get how to use a tool to mass upload a CSV to separate posts in Wordpress...but how do you handle keeping all the links and products fresh? update themselves? making this work right has been perplexing me quite a bit this month.. Anyone have a suggestion? I know it HAS to have been addressed at one time I just can't find it. If WF Review is the answer I will be waiting for 3.0 and updating