What to say ?!?!?!

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New member
Aug 24, 2006
Here's the situation at hand.

I currently work a 9-5, and my phone line here has a phone# similar to a travel agent company in the city.

So I get wrong number calls all the time looking for 'XYZ' Travel

Its crossed my mind to set up a landing page with a domain name almost similar to the travel agents and slap a travel affiliate link on there (*sorta annoying getting all these wrong number calls)

Here's the questions...

1) What should I say to the people who call and somehow refer them to the landing page? :D -- anything clever, suggestions?

2) Can I get in trouble for stealing their business?

3) Should I use the same travel name or switch it up completely?

*when i say similar i was thinking XYZ Travel --to--> XYZ Tours

Call a competitor or them and say you have live callers of people looking to book travel and youll sell them the calls. Sell the calls for $10-$20 for each one that lasts over a certain period of time. Its hard to say what they are worth as i dont know the travel business but you can say ill sell you calls that last over X seconds/minutes for Y. Get your own toll free number with online reporting and give it out each time someone calls. The toll free number is like your tracking link and you bill off the phone bill
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