What to do with a light weight VPS?


Señor Member
May 25, 2009
Ok so about 3 years ago I came across this start up VPS company that was offering light weight VPS's for a one-time "lifetime" price. I snatched it up for a backup DNS server but I no longer need it for that.

Since I have this VPS for "free" as long as the hosting companies doors are open I figured I'd put it to some good use. Anyone have any suggestions for what I should do with this VPS? Business related, hobby, cool, geeky, I don't care.

Here's the specs:

2mbps unlimited data connection
15GB disk space
192MB Ram
Option for CentOS (5,6), Debian (5-7), Ubuntu, Fedora and some small ones like Arch, Gentoo, etc...

I thought about turning it into a little PBX or maybe a VPN server, but getting that up and running may be over my head. So guys what would you do with a "free" VPS with these specs?


lowendbox/lowendtalk would be the authority on this subject and people ask this question all the time over there.

What do you use your servers for? - LowEndTalk

What do you use your VPS for? - LowEndTalk

What do you use your VPS(s) - LowEndTalk

What do you use your LEB for? - LowEndTalk

Some people get a kick out of running full web stacks on a 128mb VPS and shit.

I love the idea of ultra cheap (like $1 / mo), stripped down VPS boxes that are hyper optimized for their work duty. It's hard to justify nerding out that hardcore to save a few bucks a month vs. still-totally-cheap options like Digital Ocean though... I suppose you'd be getting your sysadmin chops down real tight.
I'll pickyback on mattseh here.

1. bitcoind or dogecoind node
2. A seed box. DL your torrents to it and then DL from VPS -> your computer. say FU to your ISP.
3. tor relay (disable people from using port 80 to keep 'safer' longer) Warning - you will quickly find your VPS IP on every single blacklist known to man after about 1-2 weeks of turning it into a tor relay. Make sure you have extra IPs.
4. Setup your own VPN // Proxy
5. Honeypot. Install an FTP server on it and leave it running 24/7 (port 21). Log all failed attempts and report all the malicious logins to spamhaus, blacklists, etc.
6. For lulz. Setup a script that hits Register at Winning Portfolio and fills it with random garbage (LOL no CAPTCHA on signup form). You will make Martin feel important and boost his forum member count by tons.
A Tor relay means that no traffic from it leaves the tor network. It can't generate complaints / be blocked from stuff due to what tor users are doing. A tor exit allows people to hit the normal internet from tor.