What to do while your campaign is running?

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Rise And Grind!
Apr 6, 2008
So I always hear a lot of people saying they are improving their campaign everyday, always tweaking it. Most of them most likely have more then one campaign running. But I was wondering what I should be doing while my campaign is running? I am testing landing pages, headers, colors to see which one is fitting best. I am adding and deleting ads to get the best one possible. I am adding/deleting/pausing keywords and creating new adgroups to test to new words out. I was split testing offers, but I found the best possible one so I got a landing page that looks similar to the offer now. Does that pretty much sums it up or should I be adding something in there to be doing while my campaign running?

Also, I know it depends on the niche, but I noticed the last 3 saturdays I've been getting a decrease in clicks/impressions with my campaign. Is this the same for anyone else on saturdays? I don't lose anything, which is awesome.

Also, I know it depends on the niche, but I noticed the last 3 saturdays I've been getting a decrease in clicks/impressions with my campaign. Is this the same for anyone else on saturdays? I don't lose anything, which is awesome.

You lose nothing, does that mean you have less clicks but the same amount convertions? Something to work on then?
You lose nothing, does that mean you have less clicks but the same amount convertions? Something to work on then?

Yeah, I always get less clicks, more conversions. Not the same amount of conversions. For any other day of the week, around 3:00PM I'll have 25-35 leads(I know its small :(), but for today I'll have around 15-20 leads.

duh refresh your stats

Oh shit, didn't even think about that. Done.
It's the weekend man, a lot of people tend to pause their campaigns during the week and only run them during the weekends. They also beleive their campaigns convert better during the weekend.
It's the weekend man, a lot of people tend to pause their campaigns during the week and only run them during the weekends. They also beleive their campaigns convert better during the weekend.

Yeah I was just wondering how it worked for everyone else. It's not much profit, but it's something. I'll have to see how it works after more weeks of testing.
Make another campaign.
Less people are on the computers during the weekend. Less Traffic in general.

Yeah I should, but I was going to try and get this profitable more then just a little few dollars before moving onto a different campaign. Thinking about just ending this one and try something else.
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