What time do you go to bed?

What time do you go to sleep each night?

  • I'm fucking old - before 9.00pm

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • 9.00 - 10.00pm

    Votes: 2 2.3%
  • 10.00 - 11.00pm

    Votes: 13 14.9%
  • 11.00 - 12.00am

    Votes: 13 14.9%
  • Fuck it, I'll sleep when I'm dead

    Votes: 12 13.8%
  • Whenever your girl does

    Votes: 2 2.3%
  • When the hooker leaves

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • When the tranny ODs on the couch

    Votes: 4 4.6%
  • 12.00 - 3.00am

    Votes: 20 23.0%
  • 3.00 - Sunrise yo!

    Votes: 17 19.5%

  • Total voters

"There's something about that fresh morning air that......just......makes me feel sick to my stomach" - Ryan (The Office)

Pretty much sums it up for me.
1-2am and waking up at 9-10am but I know I'll have to start waking up earlier sooner or later since I already feel like I'm wasting time sleeping this much as it is
I usually sleep around 3-5 am.

A few weeks ago I was on this kick of staying up all night, and going to the gym at 5:30 AM, then working until about Noon-1 PM and passing out from 1-7. It actually felt awesome I might go back to doing it again. Moving out to Seattle completely screwed up my schedule though.
Whenever I get tired.

I know it's not healthy, but whatever. I don't care.

LOL OH THATS CUTE you think you're going to live forever cause you're healthy LMAO ROTFLMAO

It's not about living forever. Without good sleep your brain does not function at 100%. It wasn't until 2 weeks ago that I beat my insomnia, I do not believe in that "work is better when everyone is sleeping" mentality.