What the hell? Partial feeds...

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New member
Nov 10, 2007
Ok what am I doing incorrectly?

I have installed WP-O-Matic, FeedWordPress, and WP-Autoblog (all activated at seperate times and not at once) but get the same results. Partial feeds and content?

My thinking is that through process of elimination if all are doing the same thing there's something I'm missing with WP right? I have searched the net and have found a few others with the same problem but the posts are old and noone answered them? Hate to nag but if someone could at least point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it.

I know I'm probably going to bang my head when I finally get this.


You're only going to pull the short descriptions of the articles from the aggregators. If you want full articles, you'll need to find feeds from blogs with feeds that have the entire article. Those can be hard to find.

What are you trying to do with your autoblog? In other words, what is your goal for it? Are you trying to create a content rich paradise? or something else?
The site is more for testing different income streams and tools. As I do things to the site I would like to then implement the successful ideas onto other sites. I would like to automate the sites as much as possible of course.

The sites look spammy with only the first paragraph and the last line stopping in the middle of the sentence. Also I want the ads and content to compliment one another. If the article is about taking care of your dog I want the ads to be directed at that. The partial articles have the ads pulling anything they can come up with to match the partial article which could be anything about dogs and not necessarily about caring for dogs.

Thanks letting me know that I am not necessarily doing anything wrong but just not pulling from the full source. If you have any suggestions or advice for automating it'd definitely be appreciated.

Thanks again.
1) Use AdSense targeting:
<!-- google_ad_section_start -->
<!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) --> (use to IGNORE the following text)
Content Goes Here
<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
2) Disguise the short article by adding a link at the end of the article with the link to the original article, saying "read more" or something like that, hopefully to make it less spammy.

Besides, pull the full source and someone may throw a DMCA at you!
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