What the fuck is going on with my FB ads


New member
Dec 26, 2010
I've been running a campaign for a week now which has over 1 million potential reach and multiple countries targeted. This campaign is converting well and wait for it, has a CTR of over 1% - so it's easily maxing my daily budget.

However, despite this kickass ctr I'm getting charged $0.20 cpcs, and any attempt to lower bids kills the traffic. What gives?

Now here's where it gets strange, after getting more targeted with new ads and getting shitty results, I went ahead and just duplicated the ad in a new campaign, and the CTR was less than 0.1%!

Anyone know anything about why this is happening?

duplicate it 5 more times in different campaigns... make sure its the only ad in campaign. report your findings.
Facebook does an "early" winner algo.

You could copy that ad 300 times and every single one of them would perform different. It has been that way since 2008. Out of 300, 290 of them would have decent or terrible ctr's and 10 would be super high.

1% is a good ctr, but your targeting 1MM people. If you want lower CPCs, then you need to reach more people with that 1%. the smaller the demo on FB, the higher the floor.
Facebook does an "early" winner algo.

You could copy that ad 300 times and every single one of them would perform different. It has been that way since 2008. Out of 300, 290 of them would have decent or terrible ctr's and 10 would be super high.

1% is a good ctr, but your targeting 1MM people. If you want lower CPCs, then you need to reach more people with that 1%. the smaller the demo on FB, the higher the floor.
reach more people? wow, i thought 1m people was large enough. Up until today I thought ctr like that was only possible with really small demos.

Edit: Then again when i used to advertise on fb ctr was based on impressions, not unique people. Only been back on FB for a few weeks now. eliquid what kind of ctrs/demos are you hitting or do you consider good?
reach more people? wow, i thought 1m people was large enough. Up until today I thought ctr like that was only possible with really small demos.

Edit: Then again when i used to advertise on fb ctr was based on impressions, not unique people. Only been back on FB for a few weeks now. eliquid what kind of ctrs/demos are you hitting or do you consider good?

I typically hit demos in the 10MM + range.

CTR ? I could give 3 shits about. All I worry about is my EPC and EPM ( earnings per click, earnings per 1k impressions ).

Generally for what I do, anything over .08 is good for CTR, but then again I only advertise to make money, not for branding or email signups ( stuff thats not a direct sale )
CTR ? I could give 3 shits about. All I worry about is my EPC and EPM ( earnings per click, earnings per 1k impressions ).

You can't be serious. I mean obviously it all comes down to the epc/roi you're pulling in, but epc and ctr go hand in hand. Provided epc is maintained, iIf you're not optimising for ctr you're missing out on volume.

$0.50 epc at 0.4% > $0.50 epc at 0.08%
You can't be serious. I mean obviously it all comes down to the epc/roi you're pulling in, but epc and ctr go hand in hand. Provided epc is maintained, iIf you're not optimising for ctr you're missing out on volume.

$0.50 epc at 0.4% > $0.50 epc at 0.08%

I am, i've been buying ads on FB since 2008. I get tons of volume.

CTR is pretty much a roll of the dice with FB sometimes for the same reason I posted in my first post in this thread.

Sure there are good ads you can make that will generally be higher in ctr then others depending on pic and headline, but you could make that same ad 100 times in the first day, set them all to pause until FB admins have approved them all. Then unpause them all at the same time and 90% of them will have ctr like .03 and .04. Its the exact SAME ad.

Maybe 10% will be above .08 or .1 ( in my 10MM demo at least ) and go beserk nuts in traffic compared to the others.

When you deal with that daily for 5 years, you tend to NOT give a shit about CTR as you realize that when other people make 1 ad, maybe 10 different ads a day, they have no clue where in line or where in the algo they are really getting put to know just how great their CTR or ad really is/could be. Its like a sad little game.

I look at my converison numbers though in the admin panel of FB. As long as my cost per conversion stays below $X.XX for that ad, I dont care the volume, ctr, or price paid for the click/ad
eliquid speaks the truth. ctr is so random on fb, i've had plenty of stuff convert at 0.1% / 0.2% on some and 1%-1.1% on another, and they are an exact copy of each other.
I am, i've been buying ads on FB since 2008. I get tons of volume.

CTR is pretty much a roll of the dice with FB sometimes for the same reason I posted in my first post in this thread.

Sure there are good ads you can make that will generally be higher in ctr then others depending on pic and headline, but you could make that same ad 100 times in the first day, set them all to pause until FB admins have approved them all. Then unpause them all at the same time and 90% of them will have ctr like .03 and .04. Its the exact SAME ad.

Maybe 10% will be above .08 or .1 ( in my 10MM demo at least ) and go beserk nuts in traffic compared to the others.

When you deal with that daily for 5 years, you tend to NOT give a shit about CTR as you realize that when other people make 1 ad, maybe 10 different ads a day, they have no clue where in line or where in the algo they are really getting put to know just how great their CTR or ad really is/could be. Its like a sad little game.

I look at my converison numbers though in the admin panel of FB. As long as my cost per conversion stays below $X.XX for that ad, I dont care the volume, ctr, or price paid for the click/ad
Solid post, this really does seem consistant with what I have experienced these past few weeks.

I was also buying on FB 2008-2011, but it never felt like this before. As far as I remember back then it was possible to test new ads and identify the ones that were most popular. Now it just seems random everytime. Maybe its part of FBs plan, to give less control to advertisers.

That's a combination of a few accounts I manage. Over the course of a a year you can see how CTR has reflected my overall CPC. it was more relevant in the old days when you could build an ad CPC, get a great CTR then crush it by switching to CPM.

Use optimized bidding too, works out really well for me.

That's a combination of a few accounts I manage. Over the course of a a year you can see how CTR has reflected my overall CPC. it was more relevant in the old days when you could build an ad CPC, get a great CTR then crush it by switching to CPM.

Use optimized bidding too, works out really well for me.
Do you put your actual budget when using optimised bidding? I'm still in the superstitious old habit of putting $999,999 for the budget. Do you always go for optimised or is there a reason to use manual bidding as well?

Also how do you get multiple accounts?
Actually, I don't even have an account rep... fuckers...

As far as optimized bidding, I always use it since it's came live. FB serves ads to people who historically have tendency to click on ads. So that helps.

Start all of my campaigns with a $25.00 budget, see if I make anything... analyze conversions.. and go from there...

I manage multiple different ad accounts for brands / direct advertisers.
I do mine totally different.

I used the options for them to optimize my clicks ( and my likes for pages ) and it never works out well.

I've stuck to tried to true manual cpc bidding and it has never failed me