What the Fack?

Thought this thread was going to be about Battlestar Galactica.
Leaving disappointed.

Katee Sackhoff and Tricia Helfer (Starbuck & Number 6):


Katee Sackhoff and Tricia Helfer in Acting Outlaws 2013 Calendar
What is this thread about? lol

I read all the posts, watched the video for a few seconds, read the video description... still no idea. kbye
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAxsTJd7VCA"]CNN Explains: Fracking - YouTube[/ame]

Please use your words properly to avoid confusion!!!

LOL at anyone who thought the OP was gonna post something actually worth watching.
What is this thread about? lol

I read all the posts, watched the video for a few seconds, read the video description... still no idea. kbye

Its about the government fucking up the polio vaccine and infecting a shit ton of people, the government allowing a bad batch to finish inventory, them accidently creating viruses that cause cancer (among others) and THAT shit getting put in vaccines and shot in people, them trying to weaponry cancer (Successfully) and tying it all into JFK assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald and Castro.

Its 2 hours, I know...I said the same thing. But it was worth the watch. Everyone that has watched it said same thing. Something worth listening too while working.