What Structure for Web 2.0 Link Pyramids?


Quim Ninja
Jul 26, 2009
I want to try a fairly big (100 Web 2.0s) link pyramid but unsure of the structure.

Would a simple 10 on tier 1, 20 on tier 2, 30 on tier 3 and 4 on tier 4 be ok?

Or should there be more tiers and less Web 2.0s on each tier? (T1=5, T2=10, T3=15, T4=20, T5=25, T6=30)

Or less tiers and more Web 2.0s on each tier? (T1=20, T2=30, T5=50)

Or should I just do a tier of 10 Web 2.0s. Then link 10 Web 2.0s to each Web 2.0 on tier 1.

The more I think about it the more complicated it gets. You could go on building for ever, adding more links to your links, do people do this?

What structure for a link pyramid would you recommend?


Since there's no exact formula to build these link pyramids I will say the following:

The more links you drop on each tier the better, and the more tiers the better as well.

Unless I buy the service, I never go beyond a tier 3. Comment blast and profiles on each unit is what I do. Do they work?, I use them as part of my overall link strategy and havent tested them alone.

Are you gonna build them yourself?, it takes time so start with something approachable. You can later make this pyramid bigger if you want.
Thanks for the reply.

I am going to get someone on Odesk to build them. I can add more to them as time goes by so they could get pretty big.

But at what point to the returns diminish? How far back does 'link juice' get passed on? What if it was 10 tiers deep? Or 50?
Thanks for the reply.

I am going to get someone on Odesk to build them. I can add more to them as time goes by so they could get pretty big.

But at what point to the returns diminish? How far back does 'link juice' get passed on? What if it was 10 tiers deep? Or 50?

As I said before, having so much to do to create a diverse and natural loking backlink map, don't focus and get obssesed with the web 2.0 pyramid only.

Haven't read any case on diminishing returns for tiers....
Thanks for the reply.

I am going to get someone on Odesk to build them. I can add more to them as time goes by so they could get pretty big.

But at what point to the returns diminish? How far back does 'link juice' get passed on? What if it was 10 tiers deep? Or 50?

You've got that ass-backwards.

Linkjuice/authority doesn't get passed down, it gets passed up.

The links farthest out pass authority to those links further up in the structure. Those links receiving authority pass it on up, and on up from there until your money site gets it.

So, your money site should be getting the highest amount of authority from all links in the pyramid. i.e. only the highest and most reputable links are pointing to your money site.
You want to not just have tons of links. You want your links to be strong. Think e.g. of a tier 1 set up. Those properties need to get a lot of link juice in order to increase the value of the out going links to your money site.

You could go for a 1 tier structure only as long as you flood those properties with back links.
Thanks JTP50. So probably easier to have one tier and then blast them. If you go too deep and one site goes down it could take out the whole pyramid/tier structure.
In what structure? Web 2.0 linking direct to your site then forum profiles to the Web 2.0s?

This is what most people do. Some go another level and have web2.0s>web2.0s>main site
and then blast both of the web2.0s with links. I personally prefer blog comments to profiles as these are usually indexed more + can have high page pr. That's just my opinion however.
I personally prefer blog comments to profiles as these are usually indexed more + can have high page pr. That's just my opinion however.

Why not both? Then throw some article submissions, social bookmarks and buy a few high PR blog posts for them too.

Diversify, not just on your money site but on all your tiers too.

To your earlier question, here is my favorite structure (just one man talkin here).

I consider the money site tier one. Tier one collects all the juice flowing up.

Second tier is 10 web 2.0s. If you want a stable long term structure, build them out with good, unique content. Fill them with pictures, videos, anything else you want (social media feeds, etc). Don't interlink them to each other, just point them at your money site. Create the links in the content rather than the sidebar or widget box if you can. Make sure you optimize your pages too, on page SEO helps every property too. Vary your anchor text. I usually link to 3 pages from the money site and a link to a related topic authority site.

Third Tier is composed of web 2.0 link wheels (one way wheels, not the kind that point both to previous and next). One linkwheel each for the tier two properties. Use different anchor text for these properties than you did for tier two sites.

Then I hit tier 2 and 3 with everything. Blog posts and comments, xrumer profiles, high PR profiles, article submissions, social bookmarks.

Even been known to toss a press release at the tier two properties. Yahoo answers too. Angelas and pauls links as well.

For the first month, I check twice a week to make sure all the properties are sticking. Replace any that are deleted (rare, since I make high quality properties). Then once a month for the next 6 months. After that, you should be golden.

That may be a little more in depth than you were looking for, but details are usually better imho.
What 10 Web 2.0 type sites would you recommend for the t2?

Which ones can withstand a good old blasting?

What 10 Web 2.0 type sites would you recommend for the t2?

Which ones can withstand a good old blasting?


Check the sticky threads in the traffic section. There's a post titled list of webpages like hubpages or something like that. There are 20 or 30 good sites listed.