What side?


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Austin, TX
When a visitor/users first looks at the screen/website, what side of the screen they see first?

I know that in magazines people tend to see the right side first.... but I have no idea on websites...

Thank you guys in advance!

Upper left area generally, similar to how people read. But it really depends on the person.
Thank you guys for your answer :)

Im working on a a new lander. And wasn't sure on what side to put my sign up form lol. But I think the left side sounds like the right place to start split testing.
Find some eye tracking studies they'll tell you. Heat maps really don't tell you the answer since it just shows clicks not time frame. Perhaps if you have a clicks over time sort of animated heat map view.
Thank you guys for your answer :)

Im working on a a new lander. And wasn't sure on what side to put my sign up form lol. But I think the left side sounds like the right place to start split testing.

From everything I see sign up forms are usually on the right hand side and in the middle of the page. Put a big arrow pointing at it and an eye catching image on the left side opposite it.

Look at all the landers (high converting) that your network gives you for stuff like Acai and Colon as they are usually tested to the hilt.

Copy what works, then split test it forever.

I'm a little surprised that a question like that is coming from someone who has over 400 posts and has been on here since 2008 though.
Yes, sorry when I said "middle of the page" I should have said middle of the page before scrolling down i.e. above the fold
From everything I see sign up forms are usually on the right hand side and in the middle of the page. Put a big arrow pointing at it and an eye catching image on the left side opposite it.

Look at all the landers (high converting) that your network gives you for stuff like Acai and Colon as they are usually tested to the hilt.

Copy what works, then split test it forever.

I'm a little surprised that a question like that is coming from someone who has over 400 posts and has been on here since 2008 though.

that is because I usually never design a lander myself. its the first one I make in a long time and kinda forgot the basics LAME I know...

but now is all coming back...... got some pretty sweet landers made yesterday and they are converting at 30-35%... so not bad for my 1st lander after a couple of years, at least...

Rebill offers always have the form on the right side.

but I was looking more for this kinda of info: http://www.poynterextra.org/eyetrack2004/main.htm