What should I do with this site? Abandon or develop?


New member
Feb 7, 2010
I thought about getting a headstart on the Microsoft Courier (competitor to ipad) so I made Free-Courier.com - Microsoft Courier specs, reviews, info and opinions.

I don't know if I want to work on it anymore. It's not SEO'd or anything. It just feels like a waste of effort. What do you guys think? Abandon or develop? Should I maybe turn it into an autoblog? What would you do in my position.

This is like the 6th website I've ever made, go easy on me.

Definitely work on the layout of the site, although for a sixth site, it doesn't seem to be all too horrible. It's a good concept, just hone it down more. Good idea with the headstart.

This seems like it would be the perfect candidate for an autoblog. Give it a shot and see how far it goes. Talk to Bofu2U, he's very considerate when it comes to newbies in the automation field, and an overall awesome guy. No joke.
when is that thing supposed to come out? It might be a nice site, make sure MS doesn't have Courier trademarked or you could get slapped.

I see no reason to abandon it, might be a good site to test some seo techniques on. Build some backlinks and see what happens