What Should I do With This Punk?

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Probably some chinese or russian bastard... I'd try and clickfraud in this scenario ;-).
I had this problem it simply means your doing something right when people start copying your shit, what I did was send out an email to these perps saying hey this is my content, I know you copied it word for word because I am the original writer.

Then tell them that they could use it if they give you the proper links back to your site but this might hit a duplicate content filter on Google so if you want him to remove the content tell him to remove it and if he responds with violence.

Tell him that your going to take the proper intellectual property rights law against him and that if he doesn't remove it, you'll see his ass in court, of course you may be bluffing but try to write it how a professional company would and you'll get some good results.

I've had this happen a few times and this is how I resolved the problems.
I have a weight loss blog and i just discovered that this guy thinnerliving.com is copying all my content. What Should i do?

Did you stop to consider that maybe the universe is punishing you for stealing bandwidth? You're complaining about content theft while hotlinking images from at least half a dozen sites that don't belong to you.

I don't really care if you steal bandwidth from hundreds of sites. I just don't want to see you bitching when someone else steals from you.
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Some quick ideas if it is Create an ownership post with tons of links back to your site, insult the other site, and or publish porn.

Host your pictures other than flikr then do a simple mod_rewrite hack to redirect to another image (again another option for fun) a quick google search turned up this abour 3/4 of the way down is what your looking for.

Oh and file the dmca complaint with the hosting company / domain registrar.
Did you stop to consider that maybe the universe is punishing you for stealing bandwidth? You're complaining about content theft while hotlinking images from at least half a dozen sites that don't belong to you.

I don't really care if you steal bandwidth from hundreds of sites. I just don't want to see you bitching when someone else steals from you.

Awesome! I had to look at the source code to verify, but sure enough, hotlinks all over the place! + rep for Jenn

Simple, get your own shit together before you worry about others. If you really want to use images from another site, at least have the decency to host them from your own server.
The fucked up thing is that I only figured this out because I wanted to let him know if the content-stealing site was also hotlinking his images. I have no patience or sympathy for people who waste my time when I'm trying to help them out.
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