What should i do with my Big Brother domain name?


New member
Jun 3, 2010
I have the domain name bigbrotherwinners.com and its about a year old... I've started a site for it but really dont know alot about site building and finding good related content to place on it...so its looking bare!

Im pretty sure this name alone is or will be worth alot soon as big brother is finnishing there tv show.

Google says this gets:
12000 - (broard)
9900 - (phrase)
5400 - (exact)

Im unsure if i should start trying to figure out this site flipping idea or if i should look into domain parking?

Am i even on the right road? I would really like to make some money out of it... Would the domain be worth anything now as it is?

I dont think it has a pagerank and im not exactly sure where its listed in google, i installed clicky statistics and have recently been getting 3 or 4 visits a day from people typing these keywords through google & bing.

No backlinks as of yet (I still got to learn that aswell)

Thanks in advance

Estibot says its worth $150. Not sure if that means much in a buyer's market, but "if you build it, they will come."

Parking would be kind of dumb, as the show may not last forever.
Estibot says its worth $150. Not sure if that means much in a buyer's market, but "if you build it, they will come."

Parking would be kind of dumb, as the show may not last forever.

Thanks alot for the info... Is estibot the best domain valuating tool out there?

The reason i ask is that every site that says they valuate domains always bring back different results... who do you go with?

according to swift apprasial i have a domain name worth $31,000 yet i hit the same domain name in another site and it says $19 ??

Thanks Imhopeful
There are too many factors involved for a machine to accurately give you a valuation. You can, however, use the bots to help you grow your epeen.

Generally, the only ways any domain(alone) is worth more than what it cost you to register it is:

- consistent source of revenue form parking, etc.; months, not days or weeks. Even if it only gets $15 a month, if it has been getting $15/month every month for the past year, it allows one to more confidently estimate future earnings.

- someone wants the domain and is willing to buy it from you now rather than waiting for you to let it expire. Price, of course is a delicate balance between how bad they want it versus how willing you are to let it go.
Become a site that involves the Big Brother winners from all over the world. The US one is about to start next month, so get a site up quickly and start banking off the traffic. My wife actually runs a fan site for each season and you would be surprised at the money and traffic she receives. She is already on the top spot, as usual, for some great search terms during the season.

I can't tell you how to monetize without shooting my wife in the foot, but there are plenty of ways. My wife is trying something new this year and I am excited because she came up with the idea after seeing another ad and adapting it to her site. She doesn't do any type of AM besides this, so it is always fun to see how she does.

Research the demographic of the show - not sure how, but I'm 100% sure that info is out there, and advertise accordingly.
I think you could be sitting on a good revenue source and it would definitely be a good way to learn the things you've mentioned (site building, content). It shouldn't be too hard to create content for it, and with backlinking on a year-old site you stand a good chance of ranking for stuff if you put in the work.

And read moratraffic's blog - I just stumbled upon it myself. Bro, you give some ridiculously good advice and guides. Cakes-quality shit right there.