What should a landing page look like?

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Sep 7, 2006
Lets use a theoretic example so its easier: "lcd television"

I'm using this because I know of a landing page example for it.

So anyways, the question is what should a landing page look like (as far as affiliate marketing - sales)? Should it look like this?


Or should it look totally different? What kind of content should it have.. Or shouldn't it have? Should it just be a simple link: "Click here for LCD Televisions" with your affiliate url attached?

I guess there are different ways to appraoch a landing page like redirects or frames, what works best for you guys?

that's an arbitrage page (and not a good one at that)
landing pages should concentrate on the product, not contextual ads

you shouldnt focus on getting the user to the product page as quickly as possible
some product pages look like shit, so you need to presell the product first
convince them it's the great fucking thing they will ever buy (at least today)
best advice I have ever read on this forum was to blend the landing page with the product page, so the user cant tell the difference (props to whoever told me that)

good luck blueballs, hopefully you can start making $1k/month for real soon ;)
This is what a aff page should not look like!
love it!
these guys must be doing something right cause they are in the high traffic google program
http://www.monstermarketplace.com/googlesearch.asp?q=cellular phones

not sure how affective this is as an aff

we have all seen this page, must do something right

and here

this is a nice one:

and of course anotherone;
If it is getting traffic I bet it does pretty well. Credit card payouts are pretty high.
If you have the time go through all of the Google AdWords tutorials. I went through and got the worseless qualified individual certifcate and it helped me with my PPC work a lot.
Guys, I think landing pages should be different for different niches and demographics. Search for your niche keywords on google and check out some of the ads on there to get an idea what other people are doing. A ringtones landing page is probably different than a mortgage refi landing page.

At least this is what I have done.
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