What separates the best from the rest?

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New member
Mar 15, 2009
If some of the most succesful affiliate marketers started with almost nothing and built up from there, what is is that made them start earning 4, 5 and then 6 figures per month?

Is it the sheer amount of $$ they put into ppc?
Knowing how to choose the right offers?
Their landing pages?

Im pretty much a noob to the ppc game. Currently i just have a couple of new campaigns going but they are really low volume though converting well (one is 1 in 6, the other is about 1 in 12). One is a CPA, the other is a physical product sale.

So my budget still being fairly limited, to keep scaling up do i just up my daily budget little by little as i can afford to? keeping in mind that the keywords im bidding on now really have no room for more traffic as they are low volume, the next step is to broaden out into other much more competitive keywords that are gonna cost a shitload more to get good positions with.

Im building really basic landing pages, no programming or anything. I dont know php, i'm good with anything non-programming related. I really dont know what 'tricks' (if any) the top dogs use on their landing pages and cant grasp what could/should be done compared with a simple LP.

Eg with Acai campaigns theres obviously tons of people competing, i'm curious to know what makes some earn a ton of cash whilst others struggle to make one sale.

So i guess wtf i am asking here is what makes the pros so good?

You are about on the right track. As for tricks on landing pages -
1. Make sure you have some sort of tracking set on it - prosper202 is a good one
2. Split test your lps - don't rely on the 1 that is giving your 1/6 conversion - make changes and see if it goes up or down and keep testing. btw - do the split testing with your ads as well.

And your comment about "basic landing pages - no programming" - WHY??? If you cannot afford a decent lp designer, learn some basic photoshop and dreamweaver - or use Wordpress blog - it has an ecommerce plugin that you can use for your physical product site.

You are starting small - which is how most of us did. Put most of it back into your campaign spend.

Good Luck Bro.
I do use wordpress for my landing pages.
But I really have no idea what sort of programming people do on their LP's?

My landing pages are basically a particular page of my WP site according to the keyword in the ad group.
1 thing separates the best from the rest: work ethic. 6 figs a month doesn't mean shit if you can't sustain it. You won't be able to sustain it unless you focus and work hard.
The difference between the pros and the so-sos is that the pros are serious about the business, What I mean is that the pros eat it, sleep it and shit it. They have the business on their mind at all times thinking on how to make their campaigns better.

The one main thing that the pros do that the other guys don't is that they, test, test, and test, then when they're done that, they test some more.

memaily is right, work ethic. You've got to work on perfecting your campaign constantly, there's no magic to this.
good stuff.. i'll keep doing what im doing then. Maybe my $40/day spend will get up to $500 by the end of the year.. turning a nice profit of course
Understanding that if you've had no failures, then you've never taken any risks. It takes a lot of tweaking and getting back on your horse to do well with buying traffic.
Take this to soccer a minute and you'll see what it is: What has made Ronaldinho a millionaire s.o.b.? Simple: whenever he has a chance to score a goal, he doesn't miss.

enough said, I guess.
"Obey: 1 Rule To Becoming A Millionaire"
Work you ass off that simple no secrets research and act! wait i guess thats 2 Rules fuck I screwed up my tag line "Obey: 2 Rules To Becoming A Millionaire"
How I Made Millions Following these 2 Simple Rules!
What the others have said holds true (work ethic, persistence, dedication, and last but not least: TONS of testing/tracking/optimizing)

good stuff.. i'll keep doing what im doing then. Maybe my $40/day spend will get up to $500 by the end of the year.. turning a nice profit of course

But you are doing yourself a disfavor by aiming that low. If you mentally prepare yourself for spending, and perhaps profiting $500/day by the last day of this year - then that will most likely be all you will achieve. And while $500/day is a nice daily income - you can do WAY more in this business.

Aim high, and set yourself partial goals along the way that seem *almost* impossible at the time being, but not ridicilously high.


"by May 1st, I am going to profit $100/day"

"by July 1st, I am going to profit $500/day"

"by December 31st, I am going to profit $x,xxx/day"

Literally write these down on a piece of paper and hang it next to your computer monitor, and OBEY your own promises. I know this sounds like motivational guru bullshit, but it truly does have an effect on how your mind gets focused and determined to reach that goal. The key is you have to believe deep down that you WILL accomplish these goals.

Do not hope. Simply know it to be true.
I do use wordpress for my landing pages.
But I really have no idea what sort of programming people do on their LP's?

My landing pages are basically a particular page of my WP site according to the keyword in the ad group.

You don't need really advanced programming on a LP. But at the very least, you should be able to add tracking code to your pages, such as Tracking202.

For search traffic, it is also highly recommended to pass keywords into the landing page for increased relevance and quality score.

Simple php can do this, but it's best to create your own php landing pages instead of Wordpress pages. It can still be done with Wordpress pages, but it's a bit more complicated and besides - you might as well learn a bit about php sooner or later.

Wordpress usually isn't ideal for landing pages either, since you may get click leakage due to your theme having distracting header and sidebar links like categories, calendars, blogroll, and such.
I have a couple of kick ass one column landing page style WP themes so theres no sidebar distractions. I also integrate an aff banner as the header image so all clicks there go straight to the offer. eg: http://internetmarketingwithblogs.com (scroll down to 'download all 3 free themes')

Veering off topic and i should probably start a new thread on this, but is Tracking 202 recommended for low traffic sites? I read on the prosper202 site that you should use prosper if you want to protect your keywords (makes sense), but i also read its a large script. Does it need to be installed on every site, or can i track many sites from one installation?

Im currently using a cheapie reseller account so dont know if prosper202 would be ok on that.

As for passing keywords keywords to the landing page.. i have no idea how to do that but i know its something i need to learn.
Veering off topic and i should probably start a new thread on this, but is Tracking 202 recommended for low traffic sites? I read on the prosper202 site that you should use prosper if you want to protect your keywords (makes sense), but i also read its a large script. Does it need to be installed on every site, or can i track many sites from one installation

With 1 installation you can track all your websites. Buy a domain for tracking purposes and install 202 on it. Then redirect all your traffic through 202. It's very straightforward, you don't need any programming skills to get it up and running but it will be one of the best investments for your business.
will the script be ok on a regular resellers account? at least until i have massive traffic?
As for passing keywords keywords to the landing page.. i have no idea how to do that but i know its something i need to learn.

If you have a landing page file called LP.php, you can call the landing page and pass keywords to it in the destination URL for your ad:

Destination URL:

In your LP.php file, you would add the following code wherever you want to insert the keyword:

<?php echo $_GET["keyword"]; ?>

You can do so much more but that will get you started.
skills. everyone who gets big quick has a skill or more than one. 2nd generation net money makers.

ex blackhat
top coder
web "master" <- not designer (someone who knows the web business inside out)

or ... are strong at all 3.

of course, i don't see many dumb muthafuckas killin' it either. you need one of these skills.

so if you're looking at this and thinking "damn i'm not good at any of that..." remember no-one was born a coder, designer, ppc expert. determination will win out. but you've got work to do, don't get discouraged you're time will come.
The difference between the pros and the so-sos is that the pros are serious about the business, What I mean is that the pros eat it, sleep it and shit it. They have the business on their mind at all times thinking on how to make their campaigns better.

yeah he's got a point, can you ask yourself .. how can i do this faster, better, cheaper, more effective. HOW can i fuckin destroy my competition? what are they doing i can't? what are they doing i can do better? what are they NOT doing i can do? where's their weakness? every campaign should be a war. let your competition teach you then take that and twist it, throw it back bigger and stronger.

do that and enjoy it. because thats what your competition is doing.
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