what script


New member
Feb 12, 2011
So i created this plan and have paid for hosting.Set is a script called Joomla.
My end was not web design but more the organizer of all technical developments so it all goes together and starts to work.
This is a pretty simple question really to those who have used alot of simplescripts etc
Anyway somehow I have lost the attention of web guy and I need to keep pushing forward to get this "idea" in a model where it can be presented.

The website "idea" is just another part of an "actual business".
The "actual business" receives services and also creates services including product sales.

The website "idea" needs to offer a few things!
1. Superior security ability.
2. Banner add and multi add placement( i need to run adds for multi countries)
3. High quality drop down lists from a centered category setup.
4. Click to pages with product/company profiles/ad
5. Registered user needs easy usability.
6. Multi language .

So i am gonna have a fling at pushing something out and need some real opinions on what i should use as my software base.
ATM i been messing about in the Joomla and i am worried about having to stuff around in the folders just to get a secure site, downloading extensions etc , and then after all that build the website. This is not my portfolio but i have no choice ATM to play around with the website.Maybe if i understand what the best choice is , i can then look at ways to get the Original web guys interest back.
Already i understand what a bastard of a job being a web-guy is as i have a million questions.