What Programs Convert Well With Text Msg Traffic?

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New member
Dec 27, 2006
South Beach
Hey everybody,

I was just wondering if you guys had any info or insight as to what types of CPA offers tend to convert best at sites that offer free text messaging? A lot of traffic comes from MySpace, so I know that a lot of users will click, but won't convert if the offer involves money. The remaining percentage of traffic is organic.

I've been working on pimping out some free telephone related offers that seem to be converting well, but the payouts are usually under $2 a lead. Can anyone suggest any offers at CJ or Azoogle that pay out pretty well and convert with this kind of traffic? I'm also willing to look into other affiliate sites if I have to.

I've tried ringtones and only had one conversion so far. I've been looking into offers like Netflix and Blockbuster Online, but I'm not really sure that they convert that well for me, but they pay out nice!

I'm looking at those "Zwinkys" and "Rewards Gateway" MySpace targeted offers right now, which look like they might convert good, but they pay out even less than $2 a lead. Has anyone tested these??

Sorry if I rambled on too much! Thanks for any help in advance.

Have you tried cash advance offers? Its the only type of offer that worked for us, ringtones sucked, email/zip submits sucked too since the payout was so low. We have a 5 field pay day loan offer that did very well
I haven't tried cash advance offers. I figured those would do even worse. They actually do good? Are there certain cash advance offers that are better or easier to convert than others? The payouts seem to vary quite a bit.
Hey everybody,

I was just wondering if you guys had any info or insight as to what types of CPA offers tend to convert best at sites that offer free text messaging? A lot of traffic comes from MySpace, so I know that a lot of users will click, but won't convert if the offer involves money. The remaining percentage of traffic is organic.

I've been working on pimping out some free telephone related offers that seem to be converting well, but the payouts are usually under $2 a lead. Can anyone suggest any offers at CJ or Azoogle that pay out pretty well and convert with this kind of traffic? I'm also willing to look into other affiliate sites if I have to.

I've tried ringtones and only had one conversion so far. I've been looking into offers like Netflix and Blockbuster Online, but I'm not really sure that they convert that well for me, but they pay out nice!

I'm looking at those "Zwinkys" and "Rewards Gateway" MySpace targeted offers right now, which look like they might convert good, but they pay out even less than $2 a lead. Has anyone tested these??

Sorry if I rambled on too much! Thanks for any help in advance.

Which text messaging service do you run through?
John, if I understand your question, we run our own system. We dont go through a bulk text messaging provider or anything. If you want I'll PM you some of my sites so you can see exactly what I'm working with.

Heh...well one of my sites is on the front page of Digg right now. I'm trying out the Nextflix offer for a little bit to see how it converts.
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