what programming languages are supported by Visual Studio 08?


New member
Sep 29, 2009
I'm looking to create a few desktop applications and I'm at the point where I really need to choose a language to learn....what languages are supported by Visual Studio and which one is the easiest to learn that is powerful?

well natively you will most likely be best off with c# and Visual C++. I believe you can get Ruby running there, and I'm sure other languages, if you really want to.
I'm looking to create a few desktop applications and I'm at the point where I really need to choose a language to learn....what languages are supported by Visual Studio and which one is the easiest to learn that is powerful?

*facepalm* you know they have a website listing out all the supported languages of the IDE (to name a few C++, C#, ASP.net, Visual Basic, etc)

And since you had to ask 'easiest', stick with VB if you're gona waste your money.
damn, you all make it like VB is for retards... oh wait, did I just write that?

Out of the set of languages supported by VB.net out of the box, VB is probably going to be the closest he'll be able to formulate a simple hello world app from a tutorial with. Aside from that, almost any language would be too hard for a retard, cept maybe the early form of BASIC.
kinda same here, TI-82 calculator and we was making pot growing games on it.

had a TI-86 when I was a senior in highschool. Though the PC-6 was one of these.


(shown with the 8KB memory expansion)

Created sometimes in the mid-80s, was several hundred dollars, but I picked it up for 13$ at a flea market I think in '92. Spent bout 15$ to have an xerox copy of it's original user manual mailed to me from Radio Shack, which is how I picked up on the assembler and it's BASIC functions.

Then course when we had our first computer (486 25Mhz 2MB rams, etc) is when I picked up on QBasic and Pascal, then eventually Borland C++ in DOS, wasn't til a neighbor I knew in highschool was a programmer got me a copy of Visual Basic 3 that I started doing some windows stuff.
Ha-ha....say no more....I get the point and I can see what you all are saying...I guess it doesn't really how good you are in the long run cause your still going to be wasting time lurking around the forums talking about how good you are instead of soaking up the sun cause you make so much money from all you've learned....wow...i can't wait to be in your shoes.....ha-ha... so sad...
Ha-ha....say no more....I get the point and I can see what you all are saying...I guess it doesn't really how good you are in the long run cause your still going to be wasting time lurking around the forums talking about how good you are instead of soaking up the sun cause you make so much money from all you've learned....wow...i can't wait to be in your shoes.....ha-ha... so sad...

It's sad that you asked such a redundant question. If there was some kind of quick/easy language of some sort, you wouldn't need to hire us coders.