What PPV volume can Tracking202 handle?


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Having issues with getting Prosper202 installed on Dreamhost, something about:

"The 'partitioning' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '--with-partition' to have it working"

In any event, while I'm waiting for them to get back to me, I want to test some PPV stuff with Tracking202. What should I know about the limitations of that version for PPV traffic? Since they are hosting it I'm presuming they can't handle major volume but if anybody can give some details about at what point data will start being lost due to volume I'd appreciate it.

If its bad enough, I'll just wait until I get my shit sorted with Dreamhost and get Prosper installed correctly.

LMAO ppv on shared hosting. Just give up. You already lost 50% of your visitors.
you want a good vps at least. a dedicated server would be the best option. if you're strapped for cash you could try hosting it on the rackspace cloud. from what i hear they're pretty cheap and very scalable.
Thanks for the thoughts guys--I figured this was the answer. Looks like its time to get a VPS.
you want a good vps at least. a dedicated server would be the best option. if you're strapped for cash you could try hosting it on the rackspace cloud. from what i hear they're pretty cheap and very scalable.

Anyone know if Hostgator's VPS hosting is any good? $40/month and the specs are better than Liquid Web which everyone around here seems to love.

How many impressions/day do you need to be at to warrant a VPS anyway?
Anyone know if Hostgator's VPS hosting is any good? $40/month and the specs are better than Liquid Web which everyone around here seems to love.

How many impressions/day do you need to be at to warrant a VPS anyway?

Bro, I'd just do things right from the beginning. I see so many affiliates screw up by not purchasing a good server. You can get a reasonable priced dedicated server at Liquid Web or The Planet. Also if you're real serious about your business I'd just go straight to RackSpace. Host Gator buys all their servers from The Planet so why not cut them out? A VPS your still essentially sharing a server with other people...

Just my 2 cents ;)
I use mediatemple.net grid-server to host my P202 setup, I'm not pushing much volume yet so I can't comment of reliability but its only an extra $20 per month for dedicated virtual. It's definitely better to pay a bit of extra to get proper results.
Having issues with getting Prosper202 installed on Dreamhost, something about:

"The 'partitioning' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '--with-partition' to have it working"

In any event, while I'm waiting for them to get back to me, I want to test some PPV stuff with Tracking202. What should I know about the limitations of that version for PPV traffic? Since they are hosting it I'm presuming they can't handle major volume but if anybody can give some details about at what point data will start being lost due to volume I'd appreciate it.

If its bad enough, I'll just wait until I get my shit sorted with Dreamhost and get Prosper installed correctly.

I've never done PPV, but as for the partition fix, here it is.

Installing Prosper202 on Hostgator - Web Development Blog - BlueLayerMedia

You have to modify the modify the functions_install.php. Just upload and replace the file with the file they supply.
I ran ppv on hostgator share hosting for awhile, I was doing about 10k views a day to a simple landing page with simple scripts like geo target and random image shuffle. It ran smooth without any issue.

You might run into issues if you DL or send traffic to a CMS such as wordpress.

Really depends on how you are doing it and how you set it up.
Btw, use shared or straight to ded, based on what I read from an ex hostgator employee, VPS is a nightmare

I am EX-Hostgator employee, ask me anything

Makes a lot of sense to me. I would probably never use VPS again, doesn't matter from which company.

thanks for the link. think I'll stay away from HG's VPS.

Does anyone here do PPV on Traffic Vance with their tracking domain on a shared server?

What kind of bandwidth and RAM do I need for a VPS or dedicated to run that kind of traffic?
Wow, just read the article, nothing close to like HG describe themselves on their website, based on hostgator.com it's next place to work after MS maybe, from that link it's more like indian call center!
Contact Gerard at Webair.com for a good deal on a dedicated. They've been handling customers with high volume clicks & impressions for a lot longer than any of the previously mentioned companies. I've been using them for 8 years so far.

As a matter of fact, when I first started using them I had over 1 million page views a day on several landing pages in 2002. The landing pages were about 5 times larger than a PPV lander, and that was on a P4 with 512mb. If they could handle plenty of people like me on those tiny boxes back then, imagine what they can do for you right now.
thanks for the link. think I'll stay away from HG's VPS.

Does anyone here do PPV on Traffic Vance with their tracking domain on a shared server?

What kind of bandwidth and RAM do I need for a VPS or dedicated to run that kind of traffic?

to what, bid 1'st position on superlongtail-hyphenated-niche.net that's on the 4'th page of MSN only OR to sit on ebay.com or craigslist or yahoo.com?

one you better be able to handle dozens of clicks per second, the other you could host off your home machine with a cable modem with a dedicated IP.

at high volumes SQL/202 becomes the problem, no matter what you throw at it resource-wise it can't keep up