What Possesses Someone to do Something Like This?


King of the Jungle
Jul 3, 2007
I can't wrap my head around this. I've seen some messed up stuff but this has to be up there. The pleasure they are taking in this, just wow. I hope these fuckers get caught but it's probably in some shitty ass 3rd world country where nobody gives a fuck.

Sorry can't embed but you shouldn't need to login to see it.


Seriously,wtf?! If you have a tiny grain of respect for live in general you don't want to press play.
Didn't watch. I once accidentally saw the shovel dog, and felt bad for like a week..
Damn, I've seen some fucked up shit but that is on the top list. I profiled the phaggot by his sneakers and shorts and came up with this.

Someone kills my pet and it's worse than if you killed my blood. My uncle did 5 years in prison for blowing the head off of a dumb fuck who thought torturing animals and randomly slaughtering them was funny...

... dude isn't laughing anymore. Ha, ha, ha! My uncle's having a great life though. Got out of prison and moved on with no guilt in his heart.
Oddly enough, I can watch the news and see people being tortured, killed, beaten, etc, but you do that to an animal and it deeply disturbs me, and it will have an affect on me for days afterward.
Someone kills my pet and it's worse than if you killed my blood. My uncle did 5 years in prison for blowing the head off of a dumb fuck who thought torturing animals and randomly slaughtering them was funny...

... dude isn't laughing anymore. Ha, ha, ha! My uncle's having a great life though. Got out of prison and moved on with no guilt in his heart.

Sucks he had to go to prison for it. There's probably better ways to teach the guy a lesson and not get himself in trouble, but I mean.... can you really get mad at the guy for defending another living, sentient, emotion and pain feeling being in this universe from a masochistic, sociopathic dickhead?
Someone kills my pet and it's worse than if you killed my blood. My uncle did 5 years in prison for blowing the head off of a dumb fuck who thought torturing animals and randomly slaughtering them was funny...

... dude isn't laughing anymore. Ha, ha, ha! My uncle's having a great life though. Got out of prison and moved on with no guilt in his heart.

I like animals, but your uncle sounds like a psychopath.