What podcast(s) do you listen to?

What Podcasts do you listen to?

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New member
Jan 15, 2007
Minneapolis, MN
So I'm getting ready to start a podcast directly related to internet marketing, this is isn't going to be another 'you can get rich too, buy my ebook' podcast, I'm going to talk about actual things that you can really put into action to make some money.

I am just curious... what podcasts do internet marketers listen to now?

I voted for shoemoney, rush hour and daily search cast. Shoe for his transparency, rush hour because of the social marketing, and daily search cast just covers all that's new.
I voted for SEO Rockstars and Rush Hour coz they're the only two podcasts worth listening to..

I also like T.W.I.T. - "This Week in Tech" hosted by Leo Laporte. He's an honest guy with regular guests and his weekly podcast is a decent overview of everything that's happening in the tech world. A little bit geeky, but hey...it's cool to be a geek now, right?
what happened to the seo rockstars, they havent had a new pod cast for abot 4 months.
gdubs - No idea. I've actually tried contacting Greg Boser directly but alas he hasn't updated his personal blog in about 4 months either so I don't know. If anyone from WMR reads these forums it'd be nice to get an official response.
A lot of the shows on WMR come and go and some never come back. It would be nice if they sorted their archive section by date.
GoodKarma Anyone?

Anyone here listen to Greg Niland's GoodKarma Podcast? Jon was featured on one of his shows back in March.
Anyone here listen to Greg Niland's GoodKarma Podcast? Jon was featured on one of his shows back in March.

I listen to that one quite often, it's one of my first 5 or 8 shows I check for in WMR archives. I kinda like the lead in music.:music06:
Instead of trying to be like the shows most ppl listen to you could just be better than all of them. A few looped fart sound bites should do the trick.
The format of that show seems to unorganized, really rough... There are WAY too many silent pauses while Neil, Cameron or Rebecca try to figure out what to say next. I honestly can't think of one thing that I've ever taken away from that podcast.

I keep a notepad handy with each show I listen to and social media is something I am just now looking into and they are the best ones to listen to. Yeah there are pauses, yeah Neil a publicity hound, but I have gotten things from their show and I've gotten replies back when I tried contacting them.
Shoemoney show and This Week in Tech.

Occasionally Diggnation if I just need to waste time..
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