What pissed you off the most?


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Long Beach
So just minutes ago, as I was trying to be productive, this shit happened. I was on ebay trying to post a reply to one of the seller explaining why my Paypal was on limit and how I couldn't pay them on time, yada yada ya. I was trying to be as fucking professional as possible and about to finished a really long-ass email. The longest email I've ever written in the whole year. I put all my effort on it as I was really in a good mood today. Then thanks to my lovely MX Revolution mouse, I accidentally hit the back button. Bam It's fucking gone. All my effort, gone just like that.


I have this online course where you type your responses in a forum type thing, well I left it for awhile and came back then finished it..... clicked submit and... "Sorry you've been logged in for to long" ....fml..... my response was gone
edit** *edit too drunk to make a congruent post
well shit happen dont take it too hard ,re do it simple and shorter by memory from what ever you remember.
also use notped , i use it normally for anything i do and not only because of the deletion part also because its formats your fonts and syntax.