What language for desktop application/sql


New member
May 14, 2007
Years ago I did some VB.net programming and Clarion Database programming for desktop applications. Clarion was very quick to develop in because of it's Rapid App design.

I need to develop a new app that will be desktop based but will connect to a remote SQL database. It's a business application, with sales orders, inventory & customer databases. Quite a bit of Master/Detail type records.

I'm familar with VB, C, Pascal, some PHP, etc.

So what is the latest platform I should look to develop this in? C#?

Thanks for any advice

Qt Project

It's excellent, easy to learn, cross-platform deployment, and is what stuff like Skype and Google Earth are developed with.

EDIT: Fuck Microsoft, and its bulky .NET Framework.

I agree that QT is great, I've used it for some of the apps I've sold on WF over the years, it's not a language though, it's a framework. I use python and PyQT. Python is capable of connecting to pretty much any database in existence, and since OP knows multiple languages, would likely be pretty easy for him to learn.

Check out Pony ORM - Use Pure Python to Speak to Your Data or SQLAlchemy - The Database Toolkit for Python if you want to use an ORM with your database.
If you need windows-only app, C# will be the best. If you need cross-platform app, then probably c++ with QT. If your app should be protected from copying then either QT or Delphi (win only).
Python is nice language, but I wouldn't choose it for anything with GUI.
It will need some GUI as far as the interface is concerned. They have to be able to enter sales orders, check customer open orders, etc. The cross platform for android would be great so they could operate on a tablet.
Unity is based on .NET, would be simple to make standalone app that's also cross platform....build once deploy to PC,mac,ios,android,wp8, etc

This week I've been using wii controllers with it (it's a game engine) and you don't need a wii or the wii sensor, just the controllers and a mac and they work 50+ feet away, better than using them with the wii.
Windows only, Desktop, go with any .net flavor.
If you know VB, then VB.net is the way to go.
