What kinds of things are you guys getting your girls for Christmas?


WF Premium Member
Apr 7, 2010
I know we are all gay webmasters here, but in case there are a couple staright guys who are taken... just curious ;)

I personally booked a hotel on the beach for a nice little get away close by home. Planning to pick up some wine and just get toasted on the beach.

My girl makes a list of everything she wants and I just buy everything on it. Only thing she is getting that wasn't on the list is a northface jacket.

I do the same for her and the fucked up part is that I sent her a list with all of my amazon affiliate links.
Online gift vouchers for her craft stuff.. don't have to leave the house and she can buy what she wants and it takes about as much effort as I want to put into it.. zero.
I will buy my girlfriend a book and a silver ring :) But I may think of switching to the dick in a box present.. Looks surprising :D
Every color of a nail polish that she wants.
A couple nice sweaters.

Still thinking about things to get her...
Thank you OP for posting this thread. Just remembered today was the last day before the gf was off work and I wouldn't get another chance to buy the gift and conceal it.

Just got back from Guitar Center:


Fuck my back hurts getting this thing up in the top closet!

Merry Christmas Bros!
Hello friend,

Nothing. Because I her boyfriend it like she already get present every day of her life.

I just joke. I no celebrate Christmas so no have buy any present.

Good luck bro
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