What kind of traffic works best for email/short form submit offers?

PPV is usually cheap. Honestly, if you want to run a submit offer your better off building your own list through your own optin offer and then remarket the list with different offers.
What kind of traffic works best for email/short form submit offers?

There is no best traffic source. A lot of traffic sources can and do work depending on the angle you are promoting your products through.

Email / Submits can be advertised using tons of angles. For example, a 'Yes or no' angle quiz style to win an amazon voucher can be advertised by hundreds of angles. What NBA team is best ? Vote to win a voucher. Is Justin Bieber gay ? Vote to win. Just 2 examples.

Now follow this idea and think again about your question. Depending on your angle, close to every traffic source can work for offers like you mentioned in your OP.

Get your ass up and try to find a winning combo. Asking for a blueprint to make your campaign work sucks...
1. print out 1000 flyers with your domain and explanation how to signup from local library.
2. hand out to bums around your areas.
3. send bums to headquarters of the company that tries to deny you payout due to "crappy lead quality".
PPV if you are buying straight traffic - but if you are asking that question you are eons away from being able to run this stuff. in addition to being able to design your own (or outsource) banners on a production scale, you really need to know the ins and outs of the industry as well as have a TRUSTED affiliate manager/company behind you.