What is your favorite video game?

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Face Rocker
Jan 28, 2007
To all the gamers here, what are your favorite video games?

My absolute favorite game is Silent Hill 2 (PS2). That game has so much depth and symbolism, I never get tired of playing it.

Besides the Silent Hill series, I also have to give it up for Grand Theft Auto 3. I wasn't a big fan of Vice City or San Andreas (too much of the same), but GTA3 is the shit.

I've played WOW a little bit and I'm very impressed with it, but I don't have a whole lot of time to really dive into games that huge and immersive.

And then, of course, I loved all the old school Lucasart point-and-click adventures. Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion, Zack McKracken, The Dig, Full Throttle, etc.

As far as 3D-shooters go, I must say I enjoyed Duke Nukem 3D and Quake the most. And who can forget Halo 2?

Well, just curious as to what you all like to play in your spare time. :D

For online FPS, i played the shit out of quake II online. That game got me in the whole 3d accelerator craze with 3dfx.

Love the Resident Evil series. Especially 1 and 2 for their time.

Zelda Link to the Past on SNES was a groundbreaker.

Tecmo SuperBowl on NES was a watershed moment in terms of stats/franchise.

I'm a big fan of the old arcade classics..... Donkey Kong, Popeye, Ms PacMan, Galaga, Robotron, QBert, Asteroids. I can spend hours playing MAME.

Currently, i'm playing a good dose of NBA Street for the 360.
halo 2 without a doubt. Xbox live kicks ass. Too bad i sold my system on ebay
I try not to play video games or computer games anymore, I've got this really bad habbit of starting a game and not sleeping or more importantly not working until I beat the game, I get super addicted to them it pisses me off because I love to play some of the games haha.

If I'm going to choose though I'll have to pick Final Fantasy Series, I've played that game since day one, literally I've still got the original final fantasy game which I beat when I was a kid, ever since then I've played the new ones that have came out, except for 12 because I haven't bought it or hacked it yet.
Final Fantasy 8

Most would say part 7 because that was a turning point for the FF series, they really put together a solid story line in part 7 and compared to part 6, this one had great graphics.

I however agree with you part 8 was outstanding, it was yet another turning point, there graphics surpassed almost anyone out there at the time, completely destroyed the graphics of part 7 and since they pretty much carried on a bit of the part 7 story line it was a great part of the series.
GranTurismo 3
Super Metroid (SNES)
Super Mario
Duck Hunt
Kid Icarus
Time Splitters
Counter Strike (one of the few online games ive got into)

So many more .........
I'm a recovering everquest addict *twitch* *twitch*.

Ever sense I've realized I wasted more time than than any thing on Everquest, there has been many cold hard looks into gaming. I just get in too deep too fast.

While I would like to say I let my self play games, more often than not it's just some random demo.
BTW, I'll probably waste my life some more when GTA4 comes out on the 360 hehe later this year
i like xbox live

feel free to hit me up via PM if you want to play some xbox live (gears of war, graw2, rainbow six vegas, etc). it's incredibly hard to find people who have time to play during the middle of the day... :)
Top 3:
Gears of War
Final Fantasy Series (except Final Fantasy X-2)

I do not subscribe to Xbox Live. I have work to do. :)
Not a gamer. The last game console I owned was a "regular" NES. I still own it too.

I did get into playing "Blitz" on Playstation 2 when I was in the military, but not enough to actually go buy my own PS2. And game. And controllers. And whatever else the fuck you need to play that shit.

But I will get a PS3 this year for games like Madden, NCAA football, etc. when they come out this year. I love football games.
on PS2
beautiful, beautiful game.

Shadow of the colossus looks amazing as well but I don't have a PS2 anymore. I'd love to see them on PSP.

Old school on the C64: Turrican, Exile, Creatures 2 and Bubble Bobble.
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