What is wrong with my campaigns? Please Help

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New member
Feb 8, 2008
Austin, TX

So I have been running campaigns for some time on Adwords content network for a few months, some for a few weeeks....

Today when I logged in to my adwords account, all the campaigns are showing 0 traffic. No impression no nothing.

I had a total of 7 campaigns running and from those 6 are content network. 1 is search network. The 6 content network campaigns are not geeting any traffic or impressions at all when before they use to get a lot of impressions/

They are all different domain names and I didnt change any bids on them.

What is happening?

Anyone seeing the same?


So I have been running campaigns for some time on Adwords content network for a few months, some for a few weeeks....

Today when I logged in to my adwords account, all the campaigns are showing 0 traffic. No impression no nothing.

I had a total of 7 campaigns running and from those 6 are content network. 1 is search network. The 6 content network campaigns are not geeting any traffic or impressions at all when before they use to get a lot of impressions/

They are all different domain names and I didnt change any bids on them.

What is happening?

Anyone seeing the same?

Were your min bids raised? Are your keywords inactive?
What's your ad position ?

You get lots of impressions if it's 4 or less and almost none if it's more than 4 on the content network.

So I have been running campaigns for some time on Adwords content network for a few months, some for a few weeeks....

Today when I logged in to my adwords account, all the campaigns are showing 0 traffic. No impression no nothing.

I had a total of 7 campaigns running and from those 6 are content network. 1 is search network. The 6 content network campaigns are not geeting any traffic or impressions at all when before they use to get a lot of impressions/

They are all different domain names and I didnt change any bids on them.

What is happening?

Anyone seeing the same?

I've been having the content network problems for months, but then again I don't do too much PPC.
My honest guess is that your minimum bid is to low so it is not able to come up.

One suggestion is make some new campaigns with small changes and see if you can get those on there.
Use the diag tool................................................................................................................................................

What does it say?
It may be the sites your Ads were showing up on in the content network excluded your sites ?

The other alternative is that you are just being completely outbid (unlikely this would happen for all at once).
Thank you everybody for you help and comments.

So I called google and finally got an answer. This is what they said basically:

That I need to improve my quality score on my landing page.

I didnt know there was a QS for the content network so Im surprised. But thats the reason why my sites are not showing anymore. Because the QS is to low.

I guess they are now using the QS system for the content network as well.

I will have to work today on my QS and improve my LP. Hopofully this will help...

Thank you all :)
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