What is with the "Freelance" Sites?!


Riteous Fucking Designs
Oct 1, 2009
People on these friggin "Freelance" sites are re-fucking-diculous. They keep asking for people to make a personal bid on their projects. No cut and paste bids. They say. WTF?! I don't know about most of the other freelancers but I do not have the time to become emotionally invested in a fucking project if I don't have it yet! Do these people think they are paying a high enough dollar that they are gonna get a personal letter from 1000's of job bidders? Should I send them a fucking e-card or what? Add them as friends on facebook maybe. I appologize for the rambling but fuck me, these people are crazy! I will however toss a nice titty pick in here so your time is not completely wasted.



As someone that uses freelance sites to find workers I wish you luck getting a job without at least investing the small amount of time it would take to put some sort of situation specific bid in for a job.

If I get a canned response they automaticly go to the bottom of my hire list. Why? Because if I get a canned response then communication down the line is normally crummy as well in my experience. YMMV
Really Stack? If the best thing you have to do is negatively reply to my posts then I feel really bad for you. You know there are better things to do then being a dick, however I do appreciate you hating, it's your job and I understand you have to do it.

I appreciate what you have to say,
Really Stack? If the best thing you have to do is negatively reply to my posts then I feel really bad for you. You know there are better things to do then being a dick, however I do appreciate you hating, it's your job and I understand you have to do it.

I appreciate what you have to say,

BAWWWWWWWWWWW, what happened to the old cool Wicked Fire?
Really Stack? If the best thing you have to do is negatively reply to my posts then I feel really bad for you. You know there are better things to do then being a dick, however I do appreciate you hating, it's your job and I understand you have to do it.

I appreciate what you have to say,

Cry more, Chester.
Yeah fuck freelancer sites. I got off them just about as soon as I got onto them. I know a few Americans that still get some ok-paying jobs by non-douchebag clients on them...but not many. There are less time-consuming ways to find good clients.

Although in all fairness, airforcematt has a point as well. Lot of crap on both ends, really.

Also next time, A-cup or bigger plz.

Very funny site listed all the responses they got for people going to solve problems proven to be unsolvable.
(Such as travelling salesman, checking for infinite loops, etc)

Can't find it right now, but it shows how far a canned answer will get you - nowhere.

Show some communication skills if you want to get my money.
A canned response != communication.

I am not asking you to become "emotionally attached" to my project, but show that you at least READ my message.

She's at least 14. Cut the OP some slack. He likes to complain, but he doesn't have time to write quality bids.

It isn't easy being self-defeating. ;)
OP - I agree with Matt.

If there's no personal message it goes straigt in the bin.

Doesn't have to be a novel - just one sentence so it can open the lines of communication.

Also if you don't want to low paying ones, just don't bid on them ;)
Whenever I get a cut and pasted 5 page jumble of everything you've done and can do, I automatically dismiss the bid.

In fact, I make it clear in all my bids on those sites that if you cut and paste a response I will ignore you. It's amazing how often people still cut and paste a canned response.

All i really need is 1 or 2 sentences that proves that you atually read the job description and we can talk from there...