What Is The Moral/Ethical Thing To Do?

SEO Genius

New member
Jul 8, 2011
I know of someone that is involved in running a pedophile ring, has murdered at least one person and has mutilated dozens of patients through his surgery.

No-one can get near him. If anyone tries, he buries them in legal paperwork or threatens to shut them down. This guy is also a billionaire and is respected within the community.

He is currently under investigation by the law and there are a few victims that are trying to get him as well but he is too powerful as he has a lot of powerful people in his pockets. Other victims are too scared to speak out.

He has also been awarded for contributions to society and is now nominated for a very prestigious award that is recognized nation wide.

I want to respect the law but what is the moral/ethical thing to do here.

I was thinking of creating and ranking a site that exposes him but that would be unethical as he should have his say in the court of law - innocent until proven guilty etc...

I'm not usually like this as I think everyone should be treated in the best light regardless of their past, present and future but I know some pretty evil stuff is being done while everyone is playing by the rules.

What are your thoughts?
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1) Find a young girl aged 8-12
2) Pay her $20, and fit a camera into a badge that she wears
3) Send her round to his house
4) Phone police as soon as shit gets dodgy
5) ???
6) Profit
1) Find a young girl aged 8-12
2) Pay her $20, and fit a camera into a badge that she wears
3) Send her round to his house
4) Phone police as soon as shit gets dodgy
5) ???
6) Profit

1) Find a young girl aged 8-12
2) Infect her with a deadly STD
3) Send her round to his house
4) ???
5) Profit
The moral and ethical thing to do, is worry about is get your own money, and stop wasting time try to take some guy down. Then one day, when you become wealthy like him, you two can duke it out till the death, using all your resources at your disposal, otherwise you're a peasant crying about the corrupt of a king, no one cares...
On the offchance that you're not trolling, (we almost don'treally care anymore) the first thing you need to do is be sure that your suspicions are correct.

If you've personally witnessed things like him dragging children around in chains or witnessed the murder, then you'd kind of have an obligation to society to do something about him, since no one else has witnessed these horrific events.

If you haven't, the the ONLY moral & ethical thing to do is mind your own fucking beeswax.

I'd bet you're basing this all off a suspicion or overhearing someone else talking that isn't some rare kind of actual proof. That being the case, I'll remind you it is NOT your responsibility to go digging deeper to confirm your hunch... It would only become attached to you some way if you're an actual witness of wrongdoing.

Just for S&G, in the offchance you witnessed the dirty deeds themselves, You would really have two options, depending on your preferred outcome.

A. If you just want justice done and to stop future suffering, the best thing is to simply kill him yourself while he sleeps. This could be done in tons of different ways, from a Molotov cocktail thru the bedroom window, to poisoning his food, to shooting him in his head. Whatever you decide to do here, make sure the police have no reason to suspect you, and don't get caught.

B. If you think the state needs to investigate further and you happen to believe in & approve of your local law enforcement's methods and track record, then you need to find evidence on him and get it to them anonymously.

Those are really the only two options if you're a witness. Sure some would say you could just step forward and TELL them what you've seen but if this guy is as powerful as you say, you'll wind up in a witness relocation program in no time and probably still die in agony anyway.

I guess you could just forget it all too, but that's like walking up to all of his future victims and sticking a dagger in their hearts. Same outcome, totally your fault that they die. Try living with that one for the rest of your life...