What is the market like for selling web pages that bring in money?

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The Adonis Thaumaturge
Aug 7, 2006
Chattanooga, TN
Is there a market for selling affiliate web sites that bring in money?

Lets say I bought KSRshoes.com. Then set up 10 drop shipping, affiliate programs and sold their shoes through my website. Let say it did well enough and started making a solid, consistent $5000.00 a month.

In my various busniess classes, I’ve been told that a good base price for selling a busniess is profit per month times 2 years. In theory, I could turn around and sell KSRshoes.com for $120,000. Not huge money, but much more money then I have at the moment.

Better yet, let’s say I owned KSRothwell LLC. And under KSRothwell LLC, I owned KSRShoes.com, KSRBooks.com, and KSRDVDs.com, all of them drop shipping and affiliate sites. Lets say I was pulling in a total of $15,000 a month. Is it reasonable to think that someone out there would want to buy KSRothwell LLC. for $360,000?

Or, using the above example, I was making $30,000 or more a month. Would there be a market in which I could sell KSRothwell LLC for $720,000 or more?

Is there a market out there for buying profitable online affiliate/drop shipping businesses? Is this a realistic busniess plan? Setting up and selling online affiliate based web sites?

If it is, can someone out there lay on me some wisdom concerning this? Maybe point me in the direction of a book or site or something that talks about all this kind of business?

Thank you WF folks.

There's usually more risk in online ventures and the multiple people are willing to pay is usually closer to 6-10 mos net profit and not much more than that.
Payton said:
There's usually more risk in online ventures and the multiple people are willing to pay is usually closer to 6-10 mos net profit and not much more than that.

Ok, good to know Payton. Thank you.
In reality it is a compromise between the seller and buyer when selling these sites. This is called fair market value. You can stipulate in your asking price how you derived your price. Also f you have an established site around a year or more and selling it. It is reasonable and common practice to be able to sell it for more and profits equation based on more months. For example payton used a 6-10 month scale with established websites you can use a long time frame because you have shown duriablity. Price is a sliding scale and many factors play in such as: age, componets that go along with the site (for example forum), to some people PR plays into it, Rank on search engines, Profit, maintance (by this I mean will this site cause the buy to constantly be adding more content etc), and what niche it is.
Sure, I get it.

Thank you Dxearner.

Do you, by chance, have a link, or book title or something to leave me so I can look into this a little more?
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