What is the best way to write articles?


New member
Aug 16, 2010
I mean..

What is the best and most respectable way of researching when writing articles?

And also, are there any more tips you can give me on how to write articles as fast and as efficiently as possible?


1. Google

2. I use dupefree pro as something to type into, simply because it has a word count and its useful for rewriting. It also has a keyword density checker and probably some other things I've never bothered to use.

Generally you don't need that much information to cover 300-500 words. Read a few good authorative pages, make notes if you have to then write an article on it. Some topics take me longer to find useful info but I've yet to find one that had absolutely nothing to write on. I quite often find 300 word articles end up closer to 400 word articles because I can't keep them that short with the info that needs to be squished in.
Structure... and flow. look in to report writing.. like university essays and stuff.
Take it from me. Research. The more you read, the more you know. The more you read, the better you know. The more you read, the best you shall get.
Read other articles. See What articles are published or viewed the most and see what style they use.

Simply answer: Who, What, Where, When, Why, And How.

In your resource box give them a reason to click your link. For example tell them you will give them a free bonus for visiting your site.

Be sure to write in laymans terms. Do not write above your audience. Give them what the want.

Writing an unique quality content in not an easy job to do.... Since content are the most important point of your website you need to focus hard on it...
SEO content writing is somewhat different than usual writer.. will writing you need to remember some basis point like keyword density, keyword proximity and so on... Using software or altering word will not make any difference you need to research about topic and the jot down every single detail in your own words... that's it...
Type keyword into google, open page previews of top ten results. Read 3 best pages. Then put it into your own words. If its a product also visit official page and Amazon to get idea of why people like it.

Put keyword in approx once every one hundered words, and similar keywords smattered around too (plurals or KW in different order).
Proof read always (I often read it out loud as if I was a newsreader, as some sentences sound OK in your head but don't flow properly out loud).
Keep sentences short or just one comma in them.
Only use big words to make the product sound good, not in the general text.