What is the best way to organize adgroups?

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New member
Jun 26, 2008
Denver, CO
I'm new to affiliate marketing and just launched my first ad campaign. I know this is going to be successful but I'm having a shaky start. My budget is $200 dollars right now I'm currently testing with $50/per day. Right now I am not getting enough traffic to use my entire budget. I'm getting only 28 clicks per day. Still, I have enough data to immediately start optimizing my campaign. I am direct linking to my offer to test my campaign with before I create a good landing page because I want to see if the offer converts first. So far, with 28 clicks, no luck. After running the campaign for 36 hours I notice some of my kw phrases were inactive. I then got an email saying my ads were suspended because I needed to improve their quality. (1.) I'm guessing it's because I'm direct linking. Correct?

(2.) Google is telling me that I have to improve the quality of my ads. Does that mean quality score?

I was thinking it's because my adgroups weren't correctly grouped and some of my ads don't match the keywords. (3.) Can somebody give me more insight as to how this works? Here's my solution.

Create a good landing page that somebody will be more likely to click through on. This will improve my ads because my site will have content on it that relates to the ads. I also need a better way to collect and group my keywords into adgroups better. The tighter the better. But what if I had 2000 kw and keyphrases? (4.) What would be the best way to group these? Excel?

By TomorroZ you will own TeH interwebZ!!!!!!!!111111!!!!???!

you just answered your own questions douchebag
Can somebody please help with some real honest answers? There were actually 4 questions.

Sticks79: There wasn't an image for me to look at to reverence anything to type.
Can somebody please help with some real honest answers? There were actually 4 questions.

Sticks79: There wasn't an image for me to look at to reverence anything to type.

Oh yes it is now very apparent... you WILL own tehz interwebz!
Hmmmm.... so I've found answers to the first 3 questions. It's now pretty much common knowledge to me. I guess I just wanted to cross reference and see what other people are doing and see what other people had to say. But about this adgroup grouping. Is there a tutorial anywhere for grouping keywords in excel? I'm using efficient ppc right now and so far it's really not what I'm looking for. I think I'm going to change to wordtracker.
Ok. The quality thing is most likely a result of a shitty landing page. Running direct there are 2 things that fuck you(And fuck you hard)
1) Some places meta refresh to the offer. Which looks to google link you're trying to promote a blank page.
2) Most offer LPs have little, if any text. More images. Which means Google cant read the content and it's another shitty QS.

Now if your ads suck, your QS will go down too.
Yea, I'm totally revamping my campaign. I'm finding more long-tail kws and separating my adgroups better. I'm going to create a 5 page mini site that will link to other offers along w/ as much original content I can squeeze in without it looking overdone. Thanks guys for the help. I've paused my campaign for now but will soon be launching again.
littleton, co is the tits. PM me and I will get you whatever you need.

Colorado has big tits period.

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